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My views on censorship

Started by Supersonic196, March 02, 2011, 03:24:00 PM

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Censorship is a cancer.

It's a cancer that has has been killing the creativity and messages of people for years now, but it's become more pronounced today than ever before. Not just in the gaming industry, but in everything, be it TV, music, movies, government, even the internet itself.

Let's take a look at games back in the 90?s, we had stuff like Jet Set Radio, Sonic adventure, Super Mario RPG, Even Pokemon.

We still have Sonic, Mario, and Pokemon these days, but what happened to their attitude?

Sonic is now the eternally cheerful mascot of SEGA, (IE smiling while an indigenous race that he was trying to save were being SLAUGHTERED)
Smith's acting is NOT helping this issue AT ALL.

Mario is the super friendly hero of the mushroom kingdom, who can put aside his differences with bowser (y'know, his lifelong enemy) and go play some tennis, or a riveting game of golf.

Pokemon... playing soulsilver, you will notice that A LOT of speech has been changed to be less offensive (even though nobody took any offence to it in the first place) IE, the old man outside of Celadon city's gym used to comment on the fact that all the trainers in the gym were women, nowadays he says something along the lines of "this gym's great! it's full of powerful trainers!"
Either he was taught a very painful lesson by said trainers, or we've witnessed censorship so a women's rights group doesn't get angry at nintendo. And who could forget the burial grounds being turned into a radio tower!? Did they really think nobody would notice?

And where exactly is Jet Grind Radio? I guess a game ABOUT freedom of speech and liberation is just too offensive these days.

Don't get me started about religion! Oh, whiny people will get offended if we use the word God in a sentence! OH NOES! We'll get hate mail if we mention a religion other than their own!
Really? It seems to me that people these days are just scared of what others think of them. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, Happy Kwanzaa... Who need's 'em? We'll just call it happy holidays so nobody looks at us weird in the supermarket.

However, When i played Little King's Story, i was quite surprised when i built a church, and the pastor there avidly talks about God.
It took me back a bit, and made me realize that censorship has tainted me, WHY was i taken off guard by this!? It was because i was so used to this kind of shunning towards religion that we see today. The only time you really see any sort of it in in the news, or youtube comments when people are whining and arguing over their religions.

The music we listen to is more and more becoming conformed to a pattern, Movies are shutting out other cultures, because Mr. and Mrs. Generic are apparently better somehow.

In short, censorship is slowly pulling the wool over our eyes, we're deliberatly being left in the dark about where our food comes from, what our government is doing, and becoming culturally deprived, because people don't wan't to deal with other people.
It seems to me like the common business plan is: Make money, and DON'T YOU DARE do anything that other people see as different.
That's just sad.

What else is sad is that we only have a little less than a month left here. :[


Quote from: supersonic196 on March 02, 2011, 03:24:00 PM
Censorship is a cancer.

It's a cancer that has has been killing the creativity and messages of people for years now, but it's become more pronounced today than ever before. Not just in the gaming industry, but in everything, be it TV, music, movies, government, even the internet itself.

Let's take a look at games back in the 90?s, we had stuff like Jet Set Radio, Sonic adventure, Super Mario RPG, Even Pokemon.

We still have Sonic, Mario, and Pokemon these days, but what happened to their attitude?

Sonic is now the eternally cheerful mascot of SEGA, (IE smiling while an indigenous race that he was trying to save were being SLAUGHTERED)
Smith's acting is NOT helping this issue AT ALL.

Mario is the super friendly hero of the mushroom kingdom, who can put aside his differences with bowser (y'know, his lifelong enemy) and go play some tennis, or a riveting game of golf.

Pokemon... playing soulsilver, you will notice that A LOT of speech has been changed to be less offensive (even though nobody took any offence to it in the first place) IE, the old man outside of Celadon city's gym used to comment on the fact that all the trainers in the gym were women, nowadays he says something along the lines of "this gym's great! it's full of powerful trainers!"
Either he was taught a very painful lesson by said trainers, or we've witnessed censorship so a women's rights group doesn't get angry at nintendo. And who could forget the burial grounds being turned into a radio tower!? Did they really think nobody would notice?

And where exactly is Jet Grind Radio? I guess a game ABOUT freedom of speech and liberation is just too offensive these days.

Don't get me started about religion! Oh, whiny people will get offended if we use the word God in a sentence! OH NOES! We'll get hate mail if we mention a religion other than their own!
Really? It seems to me that people these days are just scared of what others think of them. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, Happy Kwanzaa... Who need's 'em? We'll just call it happy holidays so nobody looks at us weird in the supermarket.

However, When i played Little King's Story, i was quite surprised when i built a church, and the pastor there avidly talks about God.
It took me back a bit, and made me realize that censorship has tainted me, WHY was i taken off guard by this!? It was because i was so used to this kind of shunning towards religion that we see today. The only time you really see any sort of it in in the news, or youtube comments when people are whining and arguing over their religions.

The music we listen to is more and more becoming conformed to a pattern, Movies are shutting out other cultures, because Mr. and Mrs. Generic are apparently better somehow.

In short, censorship is slowly pulling the wool over our eyes, we're deliberatly being left in the dark about where our food comes from, what our government is doing, and becoming culturally deprived, because people don't wan't to deal with other people.
It seems to me like the common business plan is: Make money, and DON'T YOU DARE do anything that other people see as different.
That's just sad.

What else is sad is that we only have a little less than a month left here. :[

Beautiful... Just Beautiful... You, Sonic, have earned +4 Karma for stating this without any fear of offending anyone

For the Lulz here: WHY U SON OF A BITC- U SPELLED Hanukkah wrongz XD

Super Sonic Boom

For the record I am fine with the occassional cursing here and there but sometimes I am starting to think certain people are just using it every chance they can, but that is my opinion. Before anyone jumps on me and says that I was most likely they one that put on these censors I did not but I do support them from time to time (not being applied every instance).


Jet Set Radio isn't around not because it's offensive (because it in no way is), but because it didn't sell well.

And all those quips about Sonic and Mario and Pokemon are all minor details that have no importance. Mario and Bowser on the same team in a spin-off game is considered censorship?

If censorship is everywhere, why can I turn on the TV and watch a show where a murder took place or with an implied sex scene? Why can I turn on the radio and hear songs about drugs, objectifying women, and death? Censorship may be in some places, but it certainly isn't everywhere.

Just saying, you could have chosen some better examples.

Super Sonic Boom

Oh wait, is this about the forum's censorship or censorship in general?
I think I may have missinterpretedd the topic.


Quote from: SmashFinale on March 02, 2011, 03:35:09 PM
U SPELLED Hanukkah wrongz XD
Sorry x_x
Quote from: Chris Silvano on March 02, 2011, 03:49:24 PM
Oh wait, is this about the forum's censorship or censorship in general?
I think I may have missinterpretedd the topic.

yea this was about general censorship. XD
It does annoy me when people take every chance they can to swear tho. as if they think it makes 'em look cool.

Super Sonic Boom

Quote from: supersonic196 on March 02, 2011, 03:57:14 PM
It does annoy me when people take every chance they can to swear tho. as if they think it makes 'em look cool.

Ah, I see, I am glad to see what I did say had some relevance to the main discussion because I thought this topic was going to rant about what has happened with the censorship on the forum as others before have done but, once again, swearing is fine every once and a while but don't over use it. ;)


Here's a list of Video Game Controversies:

You will see games that even with the LITTLEST problems(i.e. Mario Party 8[word]) can and WILL get slammed for the wrong words/settings/people.

Of course this is only VIDEO GAMES. This isnt even Movies, radio, television, and Internet i have listed and there are quite a few games on that list.

Pokemon and Call of Duty seem to have the worst wrap though, with at least more than one controversy

Games you would like to pay attention to for their controversies:
Mario Party 8
Manhunt Series
Call of Duty Series
Mass Effect
Wolfstein 3D(If u care about that)
Medal of Honor 2010
Duke Nukem Series
Super Mario RPG Super Columbine Massacre RPG!
Scrabble 2007 Edition
Grand Theft Auto Series
I dont feel like posting anymore but u get the idea... i think i should take out Columbine RPG! though it's pretty obvious why that got a bad rap


Quote from: papo117 on June 16, 2011, 07:47:42 AM
its basic illumanti crap that love the devil and will try and get u to become one of them. Watch out for the triangle with the eye in it. FOund one at Panda Express
What does that have to do with this topic?...

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o



Quote from: jkid101094 on June 16, 2011, 07:59:12 AM
What does that have to do with this topic?...
I think he was saying that other people (immulati crap) do it so other people can copy them (devil triangle eyes drag in part), like some dude he saw at Panda Express..
Just sayin. not tryin to protect him, but that's the message that goes in my
mind when I read that.

and for my opinion for cencorship:
I'm okay with it once and a while, but overboard pisses me. I don't get the point because we'll all learn the words, why waste the time covering something that's gonna be opened?

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.