Do you like your given names?

Started by Tanassy, July 14, 2011, 04:32:16 AM

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I don't. My real given name is Joshua, and you'll probably know alot of Joshes. My problem? It's too common, so I'm going to be changing it in about two months' time. You think- Well, that's a quick decision, isn't it an important matter? Truth is I've been thinking a long time. My parents were really unoriginal in creating my name and I think it also doesn't reflect my personality or style.
It's deeper than that, but i won't go on.

For any who may ask- Tana, what are you going to change it to? Well, after much consideration I'm actually going to be taking on a girl's name, and that is yep, you guessed it- Tana. But it fits and it has stuck to me and my friends, what do you think? My name will go from "Joshua Alexander" to "Tana Riko", of course my last name will stay as it is.

Anyway- it'd be interesting to see some names and what you think of them! Would you change them? What to? Do you not mind? I'm interested. Even if you want to give your opinion on name-changing! Please, do discuss~


I don't think many people are fond of their name. Being called it 24/7 well yeah, most people probably have a name they'd rather have been called.

I'm one of those who aren't fond of their name, definitely. My name is Samantha but everyone calls me Sam. Don't get me wrong, I don't come across many females with the name 'Sam' but it's such a masculine name. If a friend of mine is talking about me to someone who has never met me before then their first thought of me is that I'm a guy when obviously, I'm not. I don't mind being called Sam, in fact it's sort of cool because most of my friends don't actually have a nickname unlike me. Even if I'm in class being registered by a new teacher/cover teacher who has never met me before they automatically call my name out as 'Sam' instead of 'Samantha' which is immense but, you do get the odd people who sometimes call me 'Samantha' and I'm too polite to correct them, I find that so awkward. 'Samantha' seems incredibly posh to me now, it really does and I can't stand being called it.

I've never thought about changing my name though, I wouldn't even know what to change it to. I guess I've never been unhappy enough with my name to even consider that.


Fuck my name. I don't really like it as much. You don't see a name like 'Sophia' everywhere but I don't like it as much. I would be happy to go with Luana, Roxi, Mindy, or something on the lines of those. (Mayu? Mandie?(pronounced Man - die)) But a soft name doesn't cut much for my personality. It makes me feel a bit underestimated..

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Ah, interesting people! Hm, I have a few female friends with the name "Samantha" but i agree, the majority of the time I would call them Sam or even more affectionately- Sammy. xD
Of course I don't really think that it is a "posh" name and to be fair, it is a nice name.

I can understand the worry behind names, original names are generally fairly thought out and well, they hold alot of meaning. So it's very difficult to make a decision. The big factor for me is that it was basically a name that I was named well, just because. There was no thought, just the sake of being called something. Alexander of course may hold alot more meaning because it was the name of my Great Grandfather who died when I was 3.. But also- it's the name of my little brother.. ^^;
As I said before, it's just unoriginal and just doesn't carry on my personality. You think Josh, you think generic, because you have no one example to base your impressions on. Take a name like Tana for example and I can definitely see someone thinking very light, simple, effective, and efficient. A feminine name yes, but it just fits. My real life friends call me Tana-Chan, it's just stuck! And they say they would support me all the way. It's a hefty fee to pay not only in money but meaning- but I'd like to see it turn out well.

As for you, Salas, well. I like the name Sophia. It does suit you (And I know you?), at least in my opinion. I don't see it around often but that's the upside, to stand out in some ways. Those names you mentioned well...  I don't particularly think any of them fit. Though another thing is- you're  a little bit young to make a potentially life-changing decision. =P


Quote from: Tana~ on July 14, 2011, 08:58:03 AM
Ah, interesting people! Hm, I have a few female friends with the name "Samantha" but i agree, the majority of the time I would call them Sam or even more affectionately- Sammy. xD
Of course I don't really think that it is a "posh" name and to be fair, it is a nice name.

I can understand the worry behind names, original names are generally fairly thought out and well, they hold alot of meaning. So it's very difficult to make a decision. The big factor for me is that it was basically a name that I was named well, just because. There was no thought, just the sake of being called something. Alexander of course may hold alot more meaning because it was the name of my Great Grandfather who died when I was 3.. But also- it's the name of my little brother.. ^^;
As I said before, it's just unoriginal and just doesn't carry on my personality. You think Josh, you think generic, because you have no one example to base your impressions on. Take a name like Tana for example and I can definitely see someone thinking very light, simple, effective, and efficient. A feminine name yes, but it just fits. My real life friends call me Tana-Chan, it's just stuck! And they say they would support me all the way. It's a hefty fee to pay not only in money but meaning- but I'd like to see it turn out well.

It's strange, I don't think I'd class myself 'girly' enough to even be called Sammy yet I sometimes do if people are feeling affectionate as you said. Thank you :') I think just being bought up with it has made me see it in that point of view.

No, I absolutely get where you're coming from but I think Josh is a lovely name. I know many people named Josh I have to admit, over the last year we got so confused about who we were talking about in the end that we just started calling them by their surnames. Tana is such a nice name, not one I would of thought of which makes it even more unique. If you do ever get around to changing your name to Tana, would you ever consider making Josh your middle name? I know you think it doesn't have any meaning but remember it does, reminding you of your parents since they named you after that.


Quote from: raiseyourweapons on July 14, 2011, 09:19:31 AM
It's strange, I don't think I'd class myself 'girly' enough to even be called Sammy yet I sometimes do if people are feeling affectionate as you said. Thank you :') I think just being bought up with it has made me see it in that point of view.

No, I absolutely get where you're coming from but I think Josh is a lovely name. I know many people named Josh I have to admit, over the last year we got so confused about who we were talking about in the end that we just started calling them by their surnames. Tana is such a nice name, not one I would of thought of which makes it even more unique. If you do ever get around to changing your name to Tana, would you ever consider making Josh your middle name? I know you think it doesn't have any meaning but remember it does, reminding you of your parents since they named you after that.
I might do so.. but even my parents admitted there wasn't much thought involved. And no prob -thumbs up-


Im ok with my given name, but being called it so much would make you want to change.

By the by, my real name is Brady, half rare, half not rare.


Quote from: Tana~ on July 14, 2011, 04:32:16 AM
I don't. My real given name is Joshua, and you'll probably know alot of Joshes. My problem? It's too common, so I'm going to be changing it in about two months' time. You think- Well, that's a quick decision, isn't it an important matter? Truth is I've been thinking a long time. My parents were really unoriginal in creating my name and I think it also doesn't reflect my personality or style.
It's deeper than that, but i won't go on.

For any who may ask- Tana, what are you going to change it to? Well, after much consideration I'm actually going to be taking on a girl's name, and that is yep, you guessed it- Tana. But it fits and it has stuck to me and my friends, what do you think? My name will go from "Joshua Alexander" to "Tana Riko", of course my last name will stay as it is.

Anyway- it'd be interesting to see some names and what you think of them! Would you change them? What to? Do you not mind? I'm interested. Even if you want to give your opinion on name-changing! Please, do discuss~

So you're getting a sex change too? >:U
Copy cat.

I don't mind my name but if I get an operation I'll change it from Justin Micheal to Jordan Nicole. My mommy said that wanted me to be a girl and planned that name out but when I came out a boy my father came up with Justin Micheal on the spot. :P

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


I hate my boring generic name so I'm going to change it into something more original to show off my unusual uniqueness.

Also I'm going to call you Tanner.


I love my name. Not so much my initials though. My initials are DCW. My twin brother's initials are DCW. Guess what my little brother's initials are? DCW. My little sister only escaped it because my mom wanted a girl with the name "Samantha Paige." I don't know if it was my dad's idea, his are DWW which is strikingly close...

Anyway, back to MY name. Derek Cruze Wates. I love Derek. Not sure why exactly, but I know I'd never change it. I've only ever met one other Derek and we were great friends for years! Oh, and the art director of the Mass Effect series is named Derek Watts, so that's cool. My dad says Cruze comes from the band Motley Crue, but my mom says he's a bald faced liar, so take what you will from that. I do like my middle name, though. I thought about going by Cruze for awhile, but decided against it. It seems cooler as my middle name. Maybe because I don't get to use it often, but when I do its like BAM BANG POW POW... Cruze, motherf*cker. As for my last name, I don't hate it but I don't love it. I'm fine with, but if my dreams of directing ever come to fruition A FILM BY DEREK WATES just doesn't seem to have much of a punch to me. :P


Quote from: jkid101094 on July 21, 2011, 12:21:30 PM
So you're getting a sex change too? >:U
Copy cat.
I haven't thought about that. For now it's just gonna be the name.


Quote from: Tana~ on July 21, 2011, 01:23:52 PM
I haven't thought about that. For now it's just gonna be the name.
Well, no offense, but Tana seems unfitting for a guy. :\
You sure you want to go through with that?

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


None taken. And yes. I'm very sure.


Quote from: Tana~ on July 21, 2011, 01:29:47 PM
None taken. And yes. I'm very sure.
Alrighty, kiddo. If you say. But just keep in mind sometimes adults can be more immature than children.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on July 21, 2011, 01:49:42 PM
Alrighty, kiddo. If you say. But just keep in mind sometimes adults can be more immature than children.
It's been on my mind for well over a year now, buddy. I've even told most of my friends and family.