What mmo do you prefer?

Started by hedgy, July 31, 2011, 08:46:53 AM

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What mmo do you prefer?

Sonic colors online
Sonicbots online
Hedgyhogs online
Sonic genesis online
Chao online (you play the chao)
Chao online (you train different chao's)
Tails online
Knuckles online
I have a better idea (tell us :D I'll add the option to the poll if others supports your idea)


I'm currently waiting for a new program where I'll rebuild my main mmo with, meanwhile I like to do a small mmo project. (Or big one if it's taking long for the release xD)
I have different ideas, so I was wondering what people would like the most :)
Also note that the classes might become more later

(I think this forum needs the spoiler bbcode xD but I used bold for the title instead)

Sonic colors online (Sonic online : Power of Colors or Sonic online : Power of the Wisps)
Jump: No (If I do it later when I have more knowledge it might become with jumping)
Playable classes: Sonic (you might be able to choose different colors)
Character sprites: Costum or advanced (probably costum)
Map tiles: Costum
You play sonic and have to get through all levels, the story will be the same as sonic colors but slightly different.

Sonicbots online (Sonic online : The future)
Jump: Yes
Playable classes: Mecha sonic, Mecha knuckles
Character sprites: Probably advanced
Map tiles: Probably advanced
It's the future where everyone heard about the legends of sonic and his friends. So some smart guys liked to make robot's from them like eggman did, but not evil, just for fun to see them fight, and for protection. The robot's are programmed to have their own arguments, will and other humans features what means that the most robots likes to see who's stronger, so they fight a lot to each other. When the city needs protection they will fight together ofcourse.
Meanwhile some evil guy prefers to make evil robots, wich means you better get strong fast!

Hedgyhogs online (Sonic online: Hedgy's style)
Jump: Yes
Playable classes: Starts with sonic, later tails, knuckles and more)
Character sprites: Costum
Map tiles: Costum
It's a game in my style, I'll add whatever I feel like to add ^^
Note: This might also have things not related to sonic. Like an unicorn!::)

Sonic genesis online (Sonic online : ???)
Jump: Yes
Playable classes: Sonic, tails, knuckles.
Character sprites: Genesis
Map tiles: Genesis
Explore the sonic games of the sega genesis online!
The maps and gameplay will be a bit different.

Chao online (you play the chao)
Jump: No
Playable classes: Chao
Character sprites: advanced
Map tiles: Genesis, advanced or chao garden.
You're a stand alone chao that have to train yourself. Going to hero, neutral or dark is your own choice.

Chao online (you train different chao's)
Jump: No
Playable classes: Chao
Character sprites: advanced
Map tiles: Genesis, advanced or chao garden.
You're a chao trainer, you try to get chao eggs to train. You useually let the chao's fight for you since you aren't that strong.
Note: Evolving chao's will sadly not be included, instead you'll get a sonic chao egg or something like that instead.

Tails online (Sonic online : ???)
Jump: Uhm, what about flying? ^_^
Playable classes: Tails
Character sprites: Advanced
Map tiles: Genesis or Advanced
a game about tails, story will be WIP. If you have idea's tell me ;D

Knuckles online (Sonic online : ???)
Jump: Unknown
PLayable classes: Knuckles
Character sprites: Advanced
Map tiles: Genesis or Advanced
A game about tails, story will be WIP. If you have idea's tell me ;D

Chao online (you train different chao's) won, but you can still vote for the one you like ^^ I will still remember all my idea's and they may become true later.



yea, this forum didn't really help a lot with votes, but other did so I'm currently busy with the new game. Won't be my main game but the start is done already. Will post later about it in sonic fan games.


The Chao online is a perfect idea
