...Sometimes I want to smack my mother into next week.

Started by Dracoslythe, August 09, 2011, 10:17:53 AM

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K, so after all this time, mom just pops up and practically gets on her knees begging me to go to a community college instead of a university like I had been planning for years now.  In fact, since I was in middle school, I've wanted to go to Western Carolina University.

And she's kinda pissing me off.
She kept coming up with bullshit excuses.  Fuck, she wants me to not only do comm col, but she wants me to do it online.
She can't fucking let go.  I don't want to like at home till I'm 30.
Besides that, she's a fucking nazi.  I was looking SO forward to getting out of here next year.
And I fucking HATE the area I'm in.  I was planning to go to college all the way across the state.  And it's not like she'll never see me.  God forbid she go without her casino, which is LITERALLY 30 minutes away from WCU.

Not to mention the comm college she's wanting me to go to caters so much to the fucking marine wives...normal students get treated like shit.  There's like...60 spots in the nursing program...about 40 of them are reserved for military only.  What the fuck.  B(
What pisses me off about that is the fact that the government pays these military wives to go to school...then they drop out when they get their money.  Greedy little bitches.  -_-;
Seriously.  My aunt's graduating nursing program class had 12 students out of 60 or so...and hardly any of them were military.

Now, I get where mom's coming from because I'm the only child and she doesn't want to let go.  But for fuck's sake, what she's doing is like telling me "oh yeah so you just need to drop any plans you had to be successful and go to a community college YAYYYYY!"
Now, I'm not saying community college is bad...in fact, ours is the best one in the state and one of the best in the country for nursing.
But for what I wanted to do...I wanted to go to a 4-year straight out of high school to get my BSN (4-year nursing; which pays better to begin with) and work for a few years before going off to get my Master's degree and becoming a Physician's Assistant.

Her logic makes no sense to me...if I go to a 2 year and get my Associate's...I'm STILL going to have to go 2 more years at a 4-year to get my BSN before I can get my Master's.  And statistics show that transfer student graduation rates are so much lower than students who go the entire 4 years at once...

I'm putting my foot down on this one, really.
I want to go to a 4-year.
I actually want to do something with my life unlike my mom (who had the chance to go to Duke University for nursing after high school...anyone who knows about the medical field knows that Duke is one of the top schools in the country for medical studies).  I know that sounds mean, but she got married right out of high school, and has never had a proper college education.  She tried going 20 years ago, and dropped out after her first semester.
She's 50 years old and is just now going to college for real.

But she keeps pestering.  Normally I pansy out and do what she says just to shut her the fuck up because she never quits one she starts...
But I really don't know...

She's made me so mad today I'm rage-crying.

[another tangent]
And her little stunt earlier didn't serve to change my mind.  She called my cousin who is doing said 2 year thing, and even got her to try and convince me to go to a 2-year, and the entire fucking time I was on the phone, she was screaming in my ear trying to talk to my cousin saying "TELL HER THIS, TELL HER THAT, CONVINCE HER TO GO TO COASTAL" etc, etc, and my cousin couldn't even hear her.  And it was raping my ear, and I couldn't hear my cousin; just my mom screaming in my ear.  Even AFTER I asked her to pipe down, she still did it.  I finally had to ride home with a finger jammed in my left ear to mute mom, and she STILL was trying to scream into the phone.  Finally I just handed her the phone and told her that if she wanted to talk to Nikki so bad, here's the damn phone.  -_-;
Some people are just so fucking rude.
[/another tangent]


You're right to put your foot down on something like this. College shouldn't be something your parents handle for you or force you into. If they want to help you, that's fine, but making decisions for you is not.


I don't understand parents who do that.. I don't even know what to say. Good luck though, I'm sure you'll need it.


Im going to community college...

And as for your mom, well, it's not like she can use the Jedi mind trick and force you
You go where you want, unless she's Darth Vader there's not a damn thing she can do about it.

I mean, what's the worst she could possibly do?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


I went to community college too. Its not like there's anything wrong with it, if that's what you want to do. But that's obviously not what she wants to do.


I'm only going for a year though
Then I'm going for god knows how many years of university
Fucking medicine course will have me studying till I'm 30...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!