Interesting conversation I had with my ex...

Started by Proto_Blaze, August 09, 2011, 02:18:56 PM

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She just left me a few days ago for another man after a year... and I truly cared for her... here is the last conversation I had with her before she cut me out her life (changed her username)

proto93 (8:45:04 PM): why are u acting like this?
kayla (8:46:21 PM): :/
kayla (8:46:25 PM): Cause i can
kayla (8:46:31 PM): Block me on everything please.
proto93 (8:46:36 PM): wait
kayla(8:46:39 PM): This time its really over.
kayla (8:46:49 PM): No more turning back for me im done.
kayla (8:46:52 PM): just done
proto93 (8:46:58 PM): so let me get this straight
kayla (8:47:26 PM): Yes block me on everything and never talk to me again
proto93 (8:47:38 PM): all the guys that treat u like crap... u give them many chances... but when ur best friend and the guy who helped u through everything causes something... u toss me aside?
proto93 (8:47:45 PM): how unfair is that to me?
kayla (8:48:15 PM): Michael you left me once so dont think your better than any one else ive had lots that did that to me and tried to get me back so dont be damned!
proto93 (8:48:37 PM): thats not what im saying... and i left cause u shreded my heart
proto93 (8:48:40 PM): many
proto93 (8:48:42 PM): many
proto93 (8:48:44 PM): many times
kayla (8:48:50 PM): Point? I do that to everyone.
kayla (8:49:10 PM): Your nothing different ( i know that hurt your feelings)
proto93 (8:49:15 PM): my point is that i stayed by ur side... except that one time but i wasnt thinking clearly
proto93 (8:49:20 PM): because i care for u!!!
proto93 (8:49:29 PM): yes i fucked up.. thats a given
proto93 (8:49:55 PM): but i tend to make mistakes when my heart gets played with
kayla (8:50:03 PM): Michael idgaf if u care for me my brother cares for me? i think of you like a friend NOTHING more i loved you once not anymore clearly
proto93 (8:50:16 PM): i know u dont love me
kayla (8:50:22 PM): first i didnt play with your heart when u broke up with me
kayla (8:50:28 PM): and i will never love you again!
proto93 (8:50:42 PM): and u broke up with me how many times? about 4-5 times more than i did
proto93 (8:50:57 PM): read what u wrote... u made me feel used
proto93 (8:51:35 PM): earlier... u wanna know how i screwed myself over?
proto93 (8:51:48 PM): i was thinking that because i felt like i failed u
kayla (8:51:57 PM): Pointtt? i loved you you once you cant just UGH listen ....everone knows that once you was in a relationship its not the same...the 2 or 3 okay do you not get thattt?
kayla (8:52:08 PM): Everyone*
kayla (8:52:13 PM): Are not was
kayla (8:52:24 PM): 2nd or 3rd*
proto93 (8:52:32 PM): what? you lost me
proto93 (8:52:37 PM): im confused
kayla (8:52:47 PM): huh
proto93 (8:52:56 PM): ur message confuses me
kayla (8:53:02 PM): Hold on.
kayla (8:54:12 PM): Okay once your in a relationship and then someone breaks up with that person...well the 2nd time or 3rd or 4rd time they go back out if they do. ITS NEVER THE SAME. Feeling have been lost..alot of feelings and then it dyes down...well thats how I feel.
kayla (8:55:02 PM): Dies*
proto93 (8:56:00 PM): you told me not even two days ago that u always love me... it dies down because you let it and move on... idk how many times i hate myself for breaking up... it was the stupidest thing ive done. but i tried my hardest to make up for my mistakes... and you never tried. i feel like u dnt even care
kayla (8:56:16 PM): I dont.
kayla (8:56:22 PM): Block me forever
kayla (8:56:26 PM): Never unblock me
kayla (8:56:29 PM): block me on fb
proto93 (8:56:33 PM): how cold you be so cold to me ?
proto93 (8:56:48 PM): im sitting here in tears and you do this to me...
kayla (8:56:49 PM): Its over im sorry -.-



Sounds like a slut to me
I've been to a school full of em, so I should know
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on August 09, 2011, 06:27:52 PM
Sounds like a slut to me
I've been to a school full of em, so I should know

Yup... thats why I posted it.... to blow off steam


Quote from: Proto_Blaze on August 09, 2011, 06:36:25 PM
Yup... thats why I posted it.... to blow off steam
I won't ask how or why you got her in the first place
I want my imagination to soar ^-^
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


There are plenty of fish in the sea.
But there are plenty of enemy fishers out there as well.
However, if you use more attractive bait the fish will prefer you over other fishermen.
In the end though, all of your fishing prowess will be for naught if all you catch is a guppy.

The moral of the story is to stop dating people that don't appreciate you.


Quote from: windlessusher on August 09, 2011, 06:38:30 PM
I won't ask how or why you got her in the first place
I want my imagination to soar ^-^

I dated her cause she was a different person... she just recently snapped and changed

Quote from: Elija2 on August 09, 2011, 06:42:24 PM
There are plenty of fish in the sea.
But there are plenty of enemy fishers out there as well.
However, if you use more attractive bait the fish will prefer you over other fishermen.
In the end though, all of your fishing prowess will be for naught if all you catch is a guppy.

The moral of the story is to stop dating people that don't appreciate you.

I dont understand the story so thanx for the moral lol.. and like i said... she was normal for the longest... then randomly changed


If my years of hentai viewing has taught me anything, is that nice girls are more likely to turn into... That girl
So you need to date someone who... erm... "fits in the crowd", if that makes sense
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on August 09, 2011, 06:54:27 PM
If my years of hentai viewing has taught me anything, is that nice girls are more likely to turn into... That girl
So you need to date someone who... erm... "fits in the crowd", if that makes sense

I can confirm hentai being a valuable source of dating advice.

Just date a girl that you like. If it doesn't work out, rinse & repeat until it does work out unless you reach the age of 40. At that point you might as well take what you can get.


It's not like all the girls in ur area are like that or anything...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


About a month ago, my girlfriend told me I was the greatest thing that'd happened to her. She said she'd never leave me, ever.
The next day, she left me.

two weeks ago, she started dating my best mate. /:

Hurt and heartbreak seems to be unavoidable things in life, so just stay positive, and keep looking. It won't all be for nothing.


yea lol, no more nice girl dating... i shall trust hentai advice XD


I'm starting to think that I should date guys more often.


Quote from: Tana~ on August 10, 2011, 02:30:13 AM
About a month ago, my girlfriend told me I was the greatest thing that'd happened to her. She said she'd never leave me, ever.
The next day, she left me.

Jokes on you for taking an oblivious lovestruck girl seriously.

Quote from: Tana~ on August 10, 2011, 04:50:50 AM
I'm starting to think that I should date guys more often.

Guys do the same thing to easily manipulated girls all the time.