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Drunken Fools. Must read!!

Started by PurpleOrangePoo, August 19, 2011, 06:54:15 PM

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 Peter and Clark were standing on the roof of their building drinking a bunch of beers when Clark said, "Hey Peter, did you know that if you jump off this building, a gust of wind will blow you back inside the building on the on the 13th floor?" "What the fuck ever," said Peter. "No I'm serious Bitch, Watch" So Clark Jumps off the building and sure enough, he was blown back in the 13th floor window. He hopped on the elevator with the security guard from the building, and asked if he'd like to see a trick. The elevator doors open and there stood Peter in awe "I can't believe it!! Do it again" said Peter. So Clark ran and jumped off the building again, and sure enough a gust of wind blew his ass back in the window of the 13th floor. Clark quickly got on the elevator and took it to the top of the building and when the doors opened there was Peter " Holly shit said Peter "I gotta try this shit " So Peter hopped off the side of the building falling 20 stories and splattered all over the ground killing him instantly. The Security Guard and Clark were looking over the side at the mess below when the Security guard said to Clark "You sure are an asshole when you're drunk Superman"


Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o

