I Know Your Secret, Adiax...

Started by jkid101094, August 19, 2011, 10:27:06 PM

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...I won't tell anyone, though. >.> <.<


Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on August 19, 2011, 10:27:06 PM
...I won't tell anyone, though. >.> <.<

....OH NO O:



Quote from: Adiax on August 19, 2011, 10:28:30 PM
....OH NO O:

I knew you had to be a veteran member because of your post count. Well, I did some research like the stalker I am and found out who you are. I dunno if you told anyone yet but I'm glad to see you back. =3

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


I know who he is =3

I was the one who changed his name.


Quote from: jkid101094 on August 19, 2011, 10:30:39 PM
I knew you had to be a veteran member because of your post count. Well, I did some research like the stalker I am and found out who you are. I dunno if you told anyone yet but I'm glad to see you back. =3
Congratulations,you're the last person to find out who i am.

LOL nice job xD.I thought everyone knew o.o .Well,if they don't,they can keep guessing xP.


Quote from: Adiax on August 19, 2011, 10:33:25 PM
Congratulations,you're the last person to find out who i am.

LOL nice job xD.I thought everyone knew o.o .Well,if they don't,they can keep guessing xP.
I figured so. xD

Obviously not. But it took me awhile to do a double take, too. xP

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o