What are your pet-peeves?

Started by ~Bubblicious~, August 23, 2011, 05:14:26 AM

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Yep, a topic about what ticks you off without a real reason!
My pet-peeves consist of the following;

1. Improper grammar
2. Incorrect spelling
3. Messily folded clothes
4. Hair stuck in the hair-brush
5. Books not being in order by series and size
6. Smug attitudes
7. The use of "Y" "U" R" etc. instead of putting barely any effort into typing the full word
8. Constant apologizing
9. When people pretend like they're in the worst pain in the world. (Been there, still there, don't go there with me =P.)
10. Caps rape.


Cue Tana being all over this topic in 3...2...1...

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Spammers and people that use "R" and "U" instead of "Are" and "You".


Quote from: FlashTheHedgehog123 on August 23, 2011, 05:16:58 AM
Spammers and people that use "R" and "U" instead of "Are" and "You".

Amen! Spamming is a nuisance on everyone as it is. Plus, is it really that hard to type an extra two letters for are, you, etc.? I mean jeez. When I was 10 I didn't do that.


Quote from: TobiTheGoodGirl on August 23, 2011, 05:18:28 AM
Amen! Spamming is a nuisance on everyone as it is. Plus, is it really that hard to type an extra two letters for are, you, etc.? I mean jeez. When I was 10 I didn't do that.
This. When I first started using the internet I at least had the sense to use what I thought was proper grammar. I don't know why kids think it's so cool to be lazy.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


No offence to you Americans, but words like "Color", "Gray", "mustache", heck even "Airplane" tick me. Well what is the point behind changing those words?

The misuse of words such as "too", "to" and "Two". "Their", "There" and "They're". And "Your" and "you're". How can you confuse them so easily? Sure, I've done it, but as a goddamn spelling mistake. I have to constantly remind my own 22 year old sister to spell "too", "too". Nuff said.

The spelling of the word "okay". People write "k", "ok", "OK", "kay", "okay", you get it. "Okay" is the way I think it should be said. "k" is lazy. So is "ok". Ok?, like doc? Nope. At least the capitalized version makes sense.

Moving away from language, I hate when people diss something they know nothing about. For example putting down a game they've never played.

I'm gonna copy Tobi here and say I hate when people use "U", "R", "Y?", etc. Even worse, when people shorten things out of pure lazyness like "l8", "2mrw", "Sry", etc.
I ALSO hate people who constantly apologize. Stop saying sorry and Do something about it

I'll post more later.


Quote from: Tana Riko~ on August 23, 2011, 05:27:01 AM
No offence to you Americans, but words like "Color", "Gray", "mustache", heck even "Airplane" tick me. Well what is the point behind changing those words?

The misuse of words such as "too", "to" and "Two". "Their", "There" and "They're". And "Your" and "you're". How can you confuse them so easily? Sure, I've done it, but as a goddamn spelling mistake. I have to constantly remind my own 22 year old sister to spell "too", "too". Nuff said.

The spelling of the word "okay". People write "k", "ok", "OK", "kay", "okay", you get it. "Okay" is the way I think it should be said. "k" is lazy. So is "ok". Ok?, like doc? Nope. At least the capitalized version makes sense.

Moving away from language, I hate when people diss something they know nothing about. For example putting down a game they've never played.

I'm gonna copy Tobi here and say I hate when people use "U", "R", "Y?", etc. Even worse, when people shorten things out of pure lazyness like "l8", "2mrw", "Sry", etc.
I ALSO hate people who constantly apologize. Stop saying sorry and Do something about it

I'll post more later.

You must really hate me, then.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o



Quote from: Tana Riko~ on August 23, 2011, 05:27:01 AM
No offence to you Americans, but words like "Color", "Gray", "mustache", heck even "Airplane" tick me. Well what is the point behind changing those words?

The misuse of words such as "too", "to" and "Two". "Their", "There" and "They're". And "Your" and "you're". How can you confuse them so easily? Sure, I've done it, but as a goddamn spelling mistake. I have to constantly remind my own 22 year old sister to spell "too", "too". Nuff said.

The spelling of the word "okay". People write "k", "ok", "OK", "kay", "okay", you get it. "Okay" is the way I think it should be said. "k" is lazy. So is "ok". Ok?, like doc? Nope. At least the capitalized version makes sense.

Moving away from language, I hate when people diss something they know nothing about. For example putting down a game they've never played.

I'm gonna copy Tobi here and say I hate when people use "U", "R", "Y?", etc. Even worse, when people shorten things out of pure lazyness like "l8", "2mrw", "Sry", etc.
I ALSO hate people who constantly apologize. Stop saying sorry and Do something about it

I'll post more later.




When people use the wrong names for things.

Specifically, when people call the Xbox 360 the "Xbox."


I was pretty sure the shorthand for the Xbox 360 was... 360. When people say "I'm playing Mass Effect on the 360." I know what they are talking about. When people say "I'm playing Call of Duty on Xbox." or (and this is the worst) just "I'm playing Xbox." I feel like I want to strangle them. The Xbox existed. Calling the 360 the "Xbox" is like saying that old cinder block of a game system never happened. IT DID DAMMIT! THE 360 IS NOT THE XBOX! CALL IT THE 360, NOT THE XBOX!!

And never EVER say you're playing "Xbox" or "Wii" or anything like that. You cannot play a game system by itself, which is what that phrase implies. Playing Wii would mean you enjoy pointing at the Wii menu for fun. You play games on a game system. You don't play the system itself.

And its the Wii, not the Nintendo Wii. Nintendo made it clear when they announced the name that "Nintendo" would not actually be in the name of the console. That would be like saying you are playing a game on the Sony PlayStation, or the Microsoft Xbox 360.

And don't say you're playing "Call of Duty" or "Halo" unless you're playing the first game. How am I supposed to know which one you mean? Sometimes you can make an educated guess, like when a new version of the game in question comes out, but take this for example. Anime conventions have game rooms. They often have tournaments for the games they have there. Smash Bros. is a popular fighting game, so tournaments for it are common. But half the time, the schedule just lists it as "Smash Bros. Tournament." You have no clue what game it will be until you go down to sign up for it, which at a big con can waste a lot of time and mean you could end up at the end of some long lines if you don't want to play. This is especially bad for that game series because all three of them are very different. I consider myself to be pretty good at Melee, but not so much at Brawl (I still want my Dr. Mario dammit).

Quote from: Tana Riko~ on August 23, 2011, 05:35:32 AM
No, I love and tolerate you. -shot-

+1 :P


Quote from: TheGameNinja on August 23, 2011, 05:59:38 AM
When people use the wrong names for things.

Specifically, when people call the Xbox 360 the "Xbox."


I was pretty sure the shorthand for the Xbox 360 was... 360. When people say "I'm playing Mass Effect on the 360." I know what they are talking about. When people say "I'm playing Call of Duty on Xbox." or (and this is the worst) just "I'm playing Xbox." I feel like I want to strangle them. The Xbox existed. Calling the 360 the "Xbox" is like saying that old cinder block of a game system never happened. IT DID DAMMIT! THE 360 IS NOT THE XBOX! CALL IT THE 360, NOT THE XBOX!!

And never EVER say you're playing "Xbox" or "Wii" or anything like that. You cannot play a game system by itself, which is what that phrase implies. Playing Wii would mean you enjoy pointing at the Wii menu for fun. You play games on a game system. You don't play the system itself.

And its the Wii, not the Nintendo Wii. Nintendo made it clear when they announced the name that "Nintendo" would not actually be in the name of the console. That would be like saying you are playing a game on the Sony PlayStation, or the Microsoft Xbox 360.

And don't say you're playing "Call of Duty" or "Halo" unless you're playing the first game. How am I supposed to know which one you mean? Sometimes you can make an educated guess, like when a new version of the game in question comes out, but take this for example. Anime conventions have game rooms. They often have tournaments for the games they have there. Smash Bros. is a popular fighting game, so tournaments for it are common. But half the time, the schedule just lists it as "Smash Bros. Tournament." You have no clue what game it will be until you go down to sign up for it, which at a big con can waste a lot of time and mean you could end up at the end of some long lines if you don't want to play. This is especially bad for that game series because all three of them are very different. I consider myself to be pretty good at Melee, but not so much at Brawl (I still want my Dr. Mario dammit).
Give this man a medal.
Quote from: TheGameNinja on August 23, 2011, 05:59:38 AM
+1 :P
Saw it coming. Thankies xD


When I was a kid I used to say "I'm playing the Nintendo". But I guess that's because I was playing the Nintendo 64. So it's not as bad.


My dad used to call our old Xbox a Nintendo because prior to this we had a Super Nintendo and I guess he just assumed they were all the same.


Quote from: Tana Riko~ on August 23, 2011, 06:13:17 AM
When I was a kid I used to say "I'm playing the Nintendo". But I guess that's because I was playing the Nintendo 64. So it's not as bad.
This. Even when I played the Playstation, everything was Nintendo. That's why I'm a fanboy. :P

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o