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Some shit I have noticed

Started by NiGHTS, August 23, 2011, 10:47:09 AM

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Not sure if I have mentioned this somewhere but meh. This is aimed towards the chat box up there at the top of this page ^(of course you knew that was there.... I hope)

anyway, I have noticed that some members have no respect to new members whether they have signed up or are anonymous.
Normally this wouldn't bother me but it has gotten to the point where members are actually telling others to just leave the site at the mention of the word "hello." I mean, THE FUCK?

Who wants to join a site whenever their response is:

random new guy "Hello"
older member "just leave now"

again... THE FUCK?

Then people wonder why activity is going down and there are fewer newer members >.> here is a hint, they don't want to stay on a site with abusive members durr hurr. I am not naming any members, but GET YOUR FUCKING ACT TOGETHER as you have no right to just blatantly tell other members to leave the site. As a member of soniczone, you are meant to respect other members and it is also just down right rude. Just wise the fucking bap and at least try to act sensible >.>


/Has already threatened multiple people with bannings because of new-kid-abuse
"And all these things"


I've noticed this too, and I thought we addressed it before? I'm pretty sure it's better than it used to be.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on August 23, 2011, 10:52:25 AM
I've noticed this too, and I thought we addressed it before? I'm pretty sure it's better than it used to be.

I have still seen it quite a few times :/

sorry but this really is just rude and pointless >.> don't know why people would so this. I would also bet that they wouldn't dare do it IRL


Its the new Members who've seen (not so long ago) how (almost) every Moderator was buttraping Anons.

Obviously, i'm not clean either.
Tana, i stole your reply.


Quote from: NiGHTS on August 23, 2011, 10:47:09 AM
Just wise the fucking bap and at least try to act sensible >.>

Just realized I typed that O:

A nice little norn iron phrase for you all to enjoy


Quote from: The Lovely Kyo~ on August 23, 2011, 10:58:56 AM
Tana, i stole your reply.

Err.. kay..

I have a particular member to point out here. "TDFrend", or whateverthefuckhisnameis. He constantly bashes anons for being anons, and anyone who disagrees with him. He doesn't do anything bannable, which pisses me off because he's so annoying I just.. just... argh.
Watch his every move. Also, report any of this kind of behavior to the nearest online moderator or whoever you thinks gonna see it the earliest. Mods have already been adressed by John. Other members need to smarten the fuck up or things are going to start happening. Tobi's gone past the whole friendly deal and outright started to put her foot down, I don't want to see too much of that happening.



I also notice the empty feeling of the member intros board...
And any topic made by newcomers are normally ignored...

This place is unfriendly
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Tana Riko~ on August 23, 2011, 11:15:17 AM

Err.. kay..

I have a particular member to point out here. "TDFrend", or whateverthefuckhisnameis. He constantly bashes anons for being anons, and anyone who disagrees with him. He doesn't do anything bannable, which pisses me off because he's so annoying I just.. just... argh.
Watch his every move. Also, report any of this kind of behavior to the nearest online moderator or whoever you thinks gonna see it the earliest. Mods have already been adressed by John. Other members need to smarten the fuck up or things are going to start happening. Tobi's gone past the whole friendly deal and outright started to put her foot down, I don't want to see too much of that happening.


He doesn't do anything wrong? He disrespects people...

Then again, on the other side, he's only ten years old and I'm pretty sure that he doesn't realize what he's exactly doing... I'm not defending him no, but it's just some kid that thinks he's cool with the big words. I had the same thing years ago.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.


Quote from: Fiamonder on August 23, 2011, 01:06:34 PM

He doesn't do anything wrong? He disrespects people...

Then again, on the other side, he's only ten years old and I'm pretty sure that he doesn't realize what he's exactly doing... I'm not defending him no, but it's just some kid that thinks he's cool with the big words. I had the same thing years ago.
Jkid and Tana, if he keeps it up, tell him to shape up on behalf the members and the site.
I'm saddened that there aren't any new NONVIP members feeling welcome. I deal with these '10 year olds who think they're cool' every damn day.
When you don't take care of it now, you may face the concequence of his friends or any newcomer that follows his lead. Either make him taste his own medication, or tell him to be friendly.
I'm not on the chat, so I don't witness it happen or have a chance to tell him to get along.
Remember, John added a new chat rule to 'get along with ALL the members.' It seems as if he's breaking that.

I really hope I didn't just backmod. But I gave in some advice, and that helps, I hope..

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.

nazo unleashed

I've seen this too. i'm guilty of this once, if memory serves correct, i didn't like this and thought it was fucking retarded. i can name one person *COUGHTDCOUGH*


Without calling out any name(s), There has been one person who frequently visits the forum chat on many occasions who (as many of you have said), started on 'Anons' & other various visitors to the website.
There has been one instance where I have banned this person for abusive behaviour* towards another member, however they got Unbanned though**.

None the less, this person is a frequent visitor to our humble community, and despite his somewhat rude manner towards Anons for whatever reason (He's a bit of a hot head, isn't he?), he's still a humble member of our community. If he starts being abusive for no reason - Warn them. If they persist; Ban.

So urhmm.. Yeah! :D

**Not sure who by, but I'm not here to play the blame game or anything - nor do I hold it against them.


Quote from: xKáyáh'sCátpirèty on August 23, 2011, 03:27:53 PM
Jkid and Tana, if he keeps it up, tell him to shape up on behalf the members and the site.
I'm saddened that there aren't any new NONVIP members feeling welcome. I deal with these '10 year olds who think they're cool' every damn day.
When you don't take care of it now, you may face the concequence of his friends or any newcomer that follows his lead. Either make him taste his own medication, or tell him to be friendly.
I'm not on the chat, so I don't witness it happen or have a chance to tell him to get along.
Remember, John added a new chat rule to 'get along with ALL the members.' It seems as if he's breaking that.

I really hope I didn't just backmod. But I gave in some advice, and that helps, I hope..
Backseat modding is slightly different. So it's all good :3


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!