A calm, controlled discussion of the brony phenomenon.

Started by TheGameNinja, September 30, 2011, 09:31:48 AM

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I'd like to have an actual discussion about this. Not a flame war. Not an argument. A discussion.

I want to know why you like or dislike the show. Why you like or dislike the community. What is it you like or dislike the most about either? If you hate everything about it, why? If you love everything about it, why? Do you only like it because its popular right now? Do you only hate it because the fans seem to be insane? I want to know any and all thoughts you have on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Please do not use this topic to spew hate. If you really want to do that, start another topic.

Do not post any macro images, PMVs, etc. without a reason. There's already pony spam topics for that. Go ahead and post one if you've got a point to make or you want to give an example of something, but use restraint. This is supposed to be a conversation.


I'm pretty much indifferent on the show. I've watched the first three episodes and I kind want to watch the fourth but it's not a big deal for me. I don't look at pony porn, I don't post the macros, I don't have a favorite pony. The show is just "meh" to me. I have no reasons to like or hate it other than the subject matter.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


I myself like the show for a few different reasons. One is that the animation is so impressive for Flash, especially considering the art style. It would have been easy for them to go the lazy Johnny Test route, but they really put a lot of care and effort into making it look good. Another is that the voice acting is very well done... for the most part. Twilight's lines sound a little forced when she's being overly sappy. And the background ponies haven't had very good voices, but the main cast has been great most of the time. The singers do a fantastic job as well. I like all of the music in the show. The stories are simplistic and fairly predictable, but they're fun to watch. I like animation in general and FiM is definitely one of the only good new cartoons airing right now.

As for the community, there are things I love and hate about it. I love how it started. I love how everyone knows how ridiculous it is that they like this thing. I love that most people seem to actually like it and aren't just on the bandwagon because its popular. I hate that there are some bronies (a small yet vocal amount as far as I can tell) that take it way to seriously and actually get mad at people for not liking it. I don't like that people equate being a brony to both a furry and gay. There are certainly bronies that are furries or gay, but not all of us. And there are plenty of us that steer as clear as they can from rule 34 stuff. Heck, I don't even read fanfic.



I think it was sometime in June. And its specifically Friendship is Magic that I like, none of the older shows. There are some bronies that like the old stuff, but you don't need to like the old stuff to be a brony.




I'm completely indifferent on the show, I watched two episodes, became slightly confused as to why I was watching it, and settled on the conclusion that my sister would love it. I have no problem with the show.

What I cannot stand are the "bronies", constantly making references to the show in places where references shouldn't be made, taking the show WAY too seriously, whining to your face if you don't like the show, pretending there's some sort of deep philosophical meaning to the show that the likes of which us mere mortals "wouldn't get"
They're even worse IRL.

Do I hate ponies? No. In fact It's a fantastic show,
perhaps I would've enjoyed it more if I hadn't finished watching the entire Death Note series a day before.

But the community seem to either be really good trolls, or have some sort of cult running in the background.


Quote from: {The Lovely Kyo}~ on September 30, 2011, 11:49:28 AM
The show isnt bad.
But the community is.

Care to explain a bit? That's what this topic's for. :P

Quote from: supersonic196 on September 30, 2011, 12:08:31 PM
I'm completely indifferent on the show, I watched two episodes, became slightly confused as to why I was watching it, and settled on the conclusion that my sister would love it. I have no problem with the show.

What I cannot stand are the "bronies", constantly making references to the show in places where references shouldn't be made, taking the show WAY too seriously, whining to your face if you don't like the show, pretending there's some sort of deep philosophical meaning to the show that the likes of which us mere mortals "wouldn't get"
They're even worse IRL.

I get that a lot and I honestly don't see as much of it as others apparently do. :/ Like I said, a small but very vocal part of the community.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on September 30, 2011, 12:09:11 PM
Care to explain a bit? That's what this topic's for. :P

I get that a lot and I honestly don't see as much of it as others apparently do. :/ Like I said, a small but very vocal part of the community.

A Small Part?


From what I've seen, yes. Out of all bronies, that is. Just because they make up a small part of the fanbase doesn't mean there aren't way too many of them.

nazo unleashed

Yes, i do like my little pony, not because it popular, or because of it's art style, but because of it's humor, i know, it's REALLY cheesey, but i'm a cheesey person. And i really don't understand as to why people dislike it. i mean you can dislike it, but to a certain extent, there are some people who are like "you should be killed for liking this show" or "Are you an 8 year old girl? No? then it's creepy." It's okay to dislike the show, but to tell somebody that they can't or shouldn't watch it is too much. it's like telling somebody who is per-say "Homosexual" that they can't be a "Homosexual" because it's "creepy" or "wrong". It's just some people that like the show and make the rest of the bronies seem "Creepy" for what they do. In my Opinion, there are two types of bronies, the /b/ronies, the creepy ones who make the rest of us seem weird, and spread it around like a cult, and hate other's because they aren't a brony, and then there are the bronies, the sane one who just watch the show and like to talk about it to an extent.

I would classify myself as a brony, i don't treat it as if it's some kind of cult.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on September 30, 2011, 01:10:06 PM
From what I've seen, yes. Out of all bronies, that is. Just because they make up a small part of the fanbase doesn't mean there aren't way too many of them.

considering what i've seen here, youtube and in real life...

...its more like the sane people are the small part.


I have a feeling that the people that are like that aren't really fans. They're just into it because its popular and they'll be off the bandwagon within a year.

nazo unleashed

Quote from: TheGameNinja on September 30, 2011, 01:49:26 PM
I have a feeling that the people that are like that aren't really fans. They're just into it because its popular and they'll be off the bandwagon within a year.