what is ur favorite TV Show?

Started by billyhatcher312, October 03, 2011, 03:33:03 PM

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for example like family guy, sonic x or reality TV shows like Mythbusters


i love chowder sonic kirby family guy most cartoonnetwork shows sometimes spongebob oh and i know that this is off topic but iv' e been hearing that spongebob was actually gonna be canceled is this true


Quote from: megahog2009 on October 06, 2011, 02:36:48 PM
i love chowder sonic kirby family guy most cartoonnetwork shows sometimes spongebob oh and i know that this is off topic but iv' e been hearing that spongebob was actually gonna be canceled is this true
i don't think so but i like sonic underground


Spongebob needs to be put out of its misery.  Bl

Anyway I don't watch much television.  I love sitcoms though.
Big Bang Theory is defo at the top.  How I met Your Mother.  Will and Grace and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (does anyone even remember these?).
I also like NCIS and House.  :3
Drop Dead Diva is my fav drama/comedy


Quote from: Dracoslythe on October 06, 2011, 04:06:48 PM
Big Bang Theory is defo at the top.  How I met Your Mother.  Will and Grace.
My mom DESPISES these and I have to say I agree. I could see why you'd laugh at Big Bang Theory because of the references to pop culture, but I honestly don't find those funny at all. =\

Seriously, it's like I Carly for people over 16.

Quote from: Dracoslythe on October 06, 2011, 04:06:48 PM
I also like NCIS and House.  :3
Now these mom and I can agree with you on, though mom doesn't seem to watch my House anymore. He's still the shit, though.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on October 06, 2011, 07:50:19 PM
My mom DESPISES these and I have to say I agree. I could see why you'd laugh at Big Bang Theory because of the references to pop culture, but I honestly don't find those funny at all. =\

Seriously, it's like I Carly for people over 16.
Now these mom and I can agree with you on, though mom doesn't seem to watch my House anymore. He's still the shit, though.

hey jkid i agree i dont think its funny too


Because you guys don't have any sense of humor.  :P

And even the non-pop culture reference jokes are funny.  xD
It's even funnier, cause both mom and I are like "that's gonna be me in about 5 years with my friends"


I like How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory's okay, but I don't watch it very much.

I gave up on House a season or two ago. I used to like it a lot, and I still do like the earlier seasons. But it got way too... serious about itself. House was always silly. Now its all emotional. =3=


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Oh yeah, I forgot to say mine. XD

So, are we only going by what's on TV right now? If so, then... Adventure Time, I think. Regular Show and MLP:FiM are up there too. And Durarara!!

If we're going by anything that's ever been on TV, then Eureka seveN, obviously. :P


Quote from: TheGameNinja on October 07, 2011, 02:28:50 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot to say mine. XD

So, are we only going by what's on TV right now? If so, then... Adventure Time, I think. Regular Show and MLP:FiM are up there too. And Durarara!!

If we're going by anything that's ever been on TV, then Eureka seveN, obviously. :P

well kinda TGN but it's any TV show if its on or not