Time Travelers (3DS, PS Vita, PSP)

Started by TheGameNinja, October 18, 2011, 10:12:40 AM

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THIS is the game that I want a 3DS for. I don't know about the Vita version, it was only recently announced (and I have no idea why they're bothering with a PSP version), but this was announced when they unveiled the 3DS. Its an original title (not a franchise), being made by Level 5 (who has yet to disappoint me), looks great graphics-wise, and the song in the new trailer is beautiful. Just wish I could see some gameplay. XD

New trailer:

First trailer:


I have had my eye on this as well... but no details of gameplay make me unsure at the moment


Like I said, its Level 5, so I'm willing to have some faith in them that it will be good.