Sonic to Reboot for 2012 and Beyond, Says SEGA

Started by Gilly, November 06, 2011, 08:03:26 AM

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With the release of Generations lots of fans thought that Sega was heading back in the classic direction. However Sega recently confirmed they have no intentions on bringing back classic Sonic! So many would assume that means a return of current Sonic maybe an Adventure 3, well apparently Sega has no intentions on continuing the current Sonic model either.

Sonic producer Takashi Iizuka outlined what he intends to do with everyone's favorite little blue hedgehog! "I would like to make a new standard Sonic, a modern Sonic if you will, in 2012 and beyond," That's right Sega is tired of Classic Sonic and sees no future in current Sonic. So for the third time in Sonic's history Sega intendeds to create a modern Sonic who will be the standard for the next generations to come.

So why did lizuka decide Sonic needs to be changed? "... There have been a lot of Sonic titles in the past, and I think, at this point, there's a pretty good idea of what a Sonic game should be like -- a fun, frenetic action game. As I said, I feel the need to surprise the fans in new and innovative ways, but I don't want to do anything to depart from that style. The color powers in Colors are a good example of that."

Lizuka talks about how Sonic collapsed saying a huge factor was the fact that their was no consistent producer. Tons of producers threw their ideas into the games and this created a lack of continuity. However Lizuka plans to change this by creating a new consistent and innovative Sonic while remaining true to the recipe that makes a Sonic game a Sonic game.

This sounds like a reboot to me. A new direction for an old character and series, a new Sonic to replace classic and modern Sonic in order to make Sonic relate better to the current crowd. The first game in this new Sonic series is rumoured to be coming for WiiU, Sega has commented confirming a Sonic game for WiiU that will feature four player multiplayer. If the game is a launch title or near launch it would be coming in Winter 2012 and on a next generation platform be the perfect way to launch a new Sonic.

Do you like the idea of a new Sonic? Or do you love Classic Sonic and want him to return? Or maybe you love current Sonic and want him to remain? What kind of changes do you think Sega and Lizuka will make to Sonic's image? Do you think the plot and local will change drastically? How do you think Sega could successfully create a new modern Sonic?





My god... i was right. I knew that Generations was going to be the last of the 2006-2011 era. I saw this reboot coming for a while. The strange part is a four-player Sonic game? That's cutting it pretty close. Maybe TGN will get what he asked for (a dead Shadow). But this also implies no Might or Ray ever to be seen again. And finally, Sega says no Sonic Adventure 3.

Now we wait for the fanfags to complain about no classic sonic.



They won't necessarily reboot the franchise story-wise. It could just be a change in direction gameplay-wise, like the shift from the Genesis games to the Dreamcast ones or the older 3D games like the Adventure games, Heroes, etc. to the sort of on-rails style they're using more now.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on November 06, 2011, 08:21:11 AM
They won't necessarily reboot the franchise story-wise. It could just be a change in direction gameplay-wise, like the shift from the Genesis games to the Dreamcast ones or the older 3D games like the Adventure games, Heroes, etc. to the sort of on-rails style they're using more now.
I kinda hope they reconsider. Sonic is perfect the way he was in Generations, sans the cesspool of glitches.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


i dont really see the need to make a new NEW sonic, the way he is right now is ok to me, but a 4 player mode is a really good idea.

Jazz Nova

I'd have to see where this goes.
Generations seemed fine.
But I agree with only wanting one developer. They need to have a single thing a stick with it.
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Well I'm not gonna say anything about this until I see what the reboot looks like. Anyways I kinda fear that this new innovation may fail but let's hope for the best.


I think that Sonic should just hurry up and die if this is really their idea for the future.  I prefer Sonic as it is now.


This is a mistake. Sonic doesn't need a redesign. Sonic Generations was a HUGE success as everyone can see. The biggest problem, and this is just my opinion, the lack of actual character development lately has been a real killer. I've said this many times before: Sonic has evolved past running and jumping solo. You can't introduce a ton of characters and then ignore them.

Everyone around here knows I'm an avid Sonamy supporter, but the way SEGA's been treating things lately, I may have to start going with Sonchilidog. <_< In the Jason Griffith era Sonic seemed to actually care about the feelings of his friends, not just the physical status of their friends.

Up until now, I have seen Sonic run from Amy, tolerate Amy, and in some rare cases I've seen him show slight reciprocal feelings for Amy, whether via embarrasment or concern. But Generations marked the first time I've ever seen Sonic shove his hand in her face and pretend she wasn't there just to keep her away.

Mind you I don't blame it entirely on Sonic. SEGA has lately taken all the characters and thrown away their unique characteristics and just made them background characters. Amy's personality has been warped, she was already Sonic obsessed, but now it's ludicrous. "I was so worried I'd never get to flirt with you again."

Remember, I'm a Sonamy fan, but that line made me feel like I understood Sonic's reasoning for pushing her away. I've heard Amy in her crazed state before, but that was ridiculous. Now Amy's nothing more than an annoyance to everyone, her relationship with her friends seems to have disappeared for the most part.

Knuckles doesn't seem to have anything to do except stand there. Shadow is the same. The only characters getting any real attention are Sonic, Tails, and Eggman. I understand that Generations was a Sonic and Tails only type of game, but not everything they do can be that way. Not anymore anyway.

After all that, I'd say I'm about done. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what Sonic Generations did, but I honestly feel that if they don't start writing decent stories AND start developing the characters again, Sonic doesn't stand a chance of staying alive for long.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Quote from: EchidnaPower on November 06, 2011, 01:17:17 PM
This is a mistake. Sonic doesn't need a redesign. Sonic Generations was a HUGE success as everyone can see. The biggest problem, and this is just my opinion, the lack of actual character development lately has been a real killer. I've said this many times before: Sonic has evolved past running and jumping solo. You can't introduce a ton of characters and then ignore them.

Everyone around here knows I'm an avid Sonamy supporter, but the way SEGA's been treating things lately, I may have to start going with Sonchilidog. <_< In the Jason Griffith era Sonic seemed to actually care about the feelings of his friends, not just the physical status of their friends.

Up until now, I have seen Sonic run from Amy, tolerate Amy, and in some rare cases I've seen him show slight reciprocal feelings for Amy, whether via embarrasment or concern. But Generations marked the first time I've ever seen Sonic shove his hand in her face and pretend she wasn't there just to keep her away.

Mind you I don't blame it entirely on Sonic. SEGA has lately taken all the characters and thrown away their unique characteristics and just made them background characters. Amy's personality has been warped, she was already Sonic obsessed, but now it's ludicrous. "I was so worried I'd never get to flirt with you again."

Remember, I'm a Sonamy fan, but that line made me feel like I understood Sonic's reasoning for pushing her away. I've heard Amy in her crazed state before, but that was ridiculous. Now Amy's nothing more than an annoyance to everyone, her relationship with her friends seems to have disappeared for the most part.

Knuckles doesn't seem to have anything to do except stand there. Shadow is the same. The only characters getting any real attention are Sonic, Tails, and Eggman. I understand that Generations was a Sonic and Tails only type of game, but not everything they do can be that way. Not anymore anyway.

After all that, I'd say I'm about done. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what Sonic Generations did, but I honestly feel that if they don't start writing decent stories AND start developing the characters again, Sonic doesn't stand a chance of staying alive for long.

I play games for the gameplay. The story isn't a big deal to me if the game is fun to play. SEGA is trying to please those who say there was too much story going on and go back to more gameplay.


Quote from: John Gillis on November 06, 2011, 01:36:44 PM
I play games for the gameplay. The story isn't a big deal to me if the game is fun to play. SEGA is trying to please those who say there was too much story going on and go back to more gameplay.

It's VERY true that gameplay is important, but it takes a combination of gameplay, story, and character development to make a truly memorable game. They used Classic Sonic as a crutch this time around, without him they're in trouble.

I love Jesus! Do you?


There's some games where story and character development matter, and then there's some where it should not be touched on. When Sonic became the former, a lot of people hated it. I love a good story and all, but in a Sonic game, it just doesn't seem to slot in for me. It's like SEGA were trying to hard to fit in with gaming trends. Generations is the perfect example of "Let's play a game, Win or lose."
heck, even the five hour story that was put on top of it was just to make sense out of the choice of concept.

Character development is useful in a game where you're MEANT to feel, and relate with your characters. You don't need to relate with Sonic, you just need to think he's a cool dude that can run really fast. End of story.

Quote from: EchidnaPower on November 06, 2011, 01:17:17 PM
Generations marked the first time I've ever seen Sonic shove his hand in her face and pretend she wasn't there just to keep her away

That was hilarious, fitting, and I want to see it again.


As a gamer, your opinion is correct.

As a writer...I'm ticked.

I love Jesus! Do you?