Official skyrim-shit topic.

Started by nazo unleashed, November 10, 2011, 12:34:06 AM

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Seriously, you can have fun just wondering around exploring the world in this game. TONS of things to do. You can play any way you want. Wanna swing two maces around like an idiot like my brother's been doing? Go for it. You want to completely ignore the main quest after the game gets going? Do it. Want to get your ass handed to you by camp full of giants and mammoths? Your funeral, but you can. Its just FUN. And that's without talking about the guilds, story (which I have been avoiding a little bit, I want to join the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood before I continue), the COMPLETE voice acting in a game this HUGE, the much improved character models and animation since Oblivion, the fantastic graphics especially on the PC, and so much more.

I don't know if you can get laid, but going by the achievements/trophies you can at least get married.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on November 13, 2011, 08:02:52 AM
Seriously, you can have fun just wondering around exploring the world in this game. TONS of things to do. You can play any way you want. Wanna swing two maces around like an idiot like my brother's been doing? Go for it. You want to completely ignore the main quest after the game gets going? Do it. Want to get your ass handed to you by camp full of giants and mammoths? Your funeral, but you can. Its just FUN. And that's without talking about the guilds, story (which I have been avoiding a little bit, I want to join the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood before I continue), the COMPLETE voice acting in a game this HUGE, the much improved character models and animation since Oblivion, the fantastic graphics especially on the PC, and so much more.

I don't know if you can get laid, but going by the achievements/trophies you can at least get married.

Oh yes, the voice acting doesn't feel like there's only five people in the entire game anymore.

Seriously... even eating butterflies is fun.


...So...It's a more fantasy version of Fallout 3? Because that's what you're making it sound like. I love Fallout and all isn't my favorite time period.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on November 13, 2011, 08:23:59 AM
...So...It's a more fantasy version of Fallout 3? Because that's what you're making it sound like. I love Fallout and all isn't my favorite time period.
Fallout 3 and New Vegas were made by the same company on what I believe is basically the same engine as The Elder Scrolls games. There is definitely a likeness, and some of it's traits would carry over. As for the time period I'd generally agree.. but in this case, it's the most interesting use of it I've seen.

I think you'll like it.


Quote from: NazoUN on November 10, 2011, 12:34:06 AM
Skyrim is fucking retarded and looks like a piece of shit game =/

i gotta agree.

while its nominated for GotY..., its looks quite underwhelming for me & the only reason for me to play it would be, just like with oblivion and fallout 3; to see the glitches.

Post Merge: November 13, 2011, 12:38:08 PM

Skyrim fans are worse than Battlefield Fans.. so i'm gonna stay away from it anyway.


Quote from: {The Lovely Kyo}~ on November 13, 2011, 08:36:48 AM

Skyrim fans are worse than Battlefield Fans.. so i'm gonna stay away from it anyway.

Can anything be worse than Battlefield fans?
I mean, those dude rip you to shreds if you mention another FPS to them...


Its a very freeing feeling when this massive game lets you lose in its world to do what you want when most games have such linearness too them. I liked Fallout 3, but you have to admit that world was very desolate (yeah it was supposed to be that way, but still). Skyrim is alive.

Did I mention dragons? Because there are dragons. And they don't just show up during story events. A dragon could decide to start raining fire on you at any time, so watch the skies.


Quote from: Riko Sapphire on November 13, 2011, 08:29:54 AM
Fallout 3 and New Vegas were made by the same company on what I believe is basically the same engine as The Elder Scrolls games. There is definitely a likeness, and some of it's traits would carry over. As for the time period I'd generally agree.. but in this case, it's the most interesting use of it I've seen.

I think you'll like it.
I know they were Fallout 3 and New Vegas are basically the same exact game in a different place. As for Elder Scrolls I've never played a game from that franchise. I suppose it's worth a look considering the similarities but it just doesn't seem to be my style.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: {The Lovely Kyo}~ on November 13, 2011, 08:36:48 AM
i gotta agree.

while its nominated for GotY..., its looks quite underwhelming for me & the only reason for me to play it would be, just like with oblivion and fallout 3; to see the glitches.

Post Merge: November 13, 2011, 12:38:08 PM

Skyrim fans are worse than Battlefield Fans.. so i'm gonna stay away from it anyway.

It's far from underwhelming..

I must admit, there are some hilarious glitches though.
I got hit by a giant and literally went flying in the air, like.. endlessly flying. Dead, of course. i went to fight it again, and it happened again. Then again.. then again.. then again... God, Bethesda still haven't fixed their physics. x3
Oh, and using sharp weapons feels like you're slashing at air. Air that produces a massive amount of blood when you swing that is...

Oh, and TGN. I still haven't encountered a single dragon, besides the one that you first encounter at the watch tower... I've been playing for ages. My friend however has killed seven already in the same amount of time. :L


Quote from: Riko Sapphire on November 13, 2011, 08:58:39 AM
It's far from underwhelming..

I must admit, there are some hilarious glitches though.
I got hit by a giant and literally went flying in the air, like.. endlessly flying. Dead, of course. i went to fight it again, and it happened again. Then again.. then again.. then again... God, Bethesda still haven't fixed their physics. x3
There's a video of that glitch in LPtPW.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: TheGameNinja on November 13, 2011, 08:02:52 AM
Seriously, you can have fun just wondering around exploring the world in this game. TONS of things to do. You can play any way you want. Wanna swing two maces around like an idiot like my brother's been doing? Go for it. You want to completely ignore the main quest after the game gets going? Do it. Want to get your ass handed to you by camp full of giants and mammoths? Your funeral, but you can. Its just FUN. And that's without talking about the guilds, story (which I have been avoiding a little bit, I want to join the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood before I continue), the COMPLETE voice acting in a game this HUGE, the much improved character models and animation since Oblivion, the fantastic graphics especially on the PC, and so much more.

I don't know if you can get laid, but going by the achievements/trophies you can at least get married.
Now there's a review that'll actually get me interested
My bro was gonna get this on Steam anyway, so I'll try it and see what happens
It'd be pretty awesome if I could have a son, I'll teach him to suck eggs and chew bubble gum
What's with me and starting a family these days...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


I've fought one dragon after the first story one. It spawned during a sidequest where I had to burn down three of some guy's beehives and it burned all five of them and I was blamed for it! I KILLED AN EFFING DRAGON AND YOU BLAME ME FOR TWO EXTRA BURNT UP BEEHIVES?!



Quote from: Riko Sapphire on November 13, 2011, 09:10:44 AM
In.... what?
Last Person to Post Wins. God, Tana. You'd think that you were new here. :P

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on November 13, 2011, 09:23:15 AM
Last Person to Post Wins. God, Tana. You'd think that you were new here. :P
I thought you meant like a forum...
Lets just call it Last Person To Post Wins.
Cause LPtPW sounds weird.