Contest Entry. SO MUCH PONY. I'd like LEGIT feedback, not just "ew, ponies."

Started by Dracoslythe, March 15, 2012, 10:25:33 AM

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...Because I've spent literally all fucking day working on this.
I didn't know I had that kind of patience.
Layers would have been LOVELY in drawing that background, but it's a COMPLETELY traditional drawing contest...
Not even allowed to touch up/color correct digitally.

Not done, of course.
Still gonna add some stuff up on the empty shelves and color.

These are the other entries that have been posted so far, in order from "eh, I'm not worried" to "holy shit, competition"

And lastly, my favorite, if not only for the time it looks like was put into it and dat shading...


Good ol' traditional media. Gotta love it eh? As a worshipper of the sacred pencil and eraser- I say that's pretty damn good.


It's hard, I'll yell you that.
I actually had to plan what order I was drawing things: bg, the stuff in the BG, Twi, the arcane circle, all that fun stuff.
It's looks better now.  I'll have to post a finished version.  x3

Thanks :3


It's hard but it's definitely my favourite kind of art. I guess you just don't do it a much as I do x3