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Love/like topic

Started by JJSonicShadow, March 25, 2012, 10:51:19 PM

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I miss my girlfriend. She said my intentions are clear, but maybe I chose the wrong girl, like impossible love. But I don't Think so
My special secret fourm, please join and post!!!



My special secret fourm, please join and post!!!


I don't quite understand your situation.
Elaborate on it a bit?

nazo unleashed

Quote from: Iris Sapphire on March 26, 2012, 10:43:59 PM
I don't quite understand your situation.
Elaborate on it a bit?


Quote from: Robert Neal on April 03, 2012, 12:09:56 AM

Well, one time, I kinda accidently annoyed her, and now, it's ok, but she won't talk to me, don't pay attention to me.
Any suggestions? I kinda have one month left...
My special secret fourm, please join and post!!!


This is totally not making any sense, just tell us the whole situation without leaving anything out


Quote from: Snooky on April 14, 2012, 06:03:37 PM
This is totally not making any sense, just tell us the whole situation without leaving anything out
Well, it's pretty much over now. In the past,about a year ago, I sent her too many emails in one day, so she told me to stop being annoying. and now, She tells her friends that I stalk her, even though I don't, never tried to, never intended to. So here I am. She said I kinda show off when she's around, saying I make a fool out of myself, at least to her.
My special secret fourm, please join and post!!!


So, you were being clingy, and she wasn't into that?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


So you were stalking her and she didn't like that?


Also if she broke up with you for sending too many emails it sounds like you're in middleschool. Why not wait until you're finished being 13?



She kind of sounds like a bitch, telling her friends that you're stalking her when you probably aren't. Fuck women -blown to bits- Just kidding, but some girls I just want to say "Fuck you" to them for being a bitch.


Quote from: FlashTheHedgehog123 on April 15, 2012, 10:04:42 AM
She kind of sounds like a bitch, telling her friends that you're stalking her when you probably aren't. Fuck women -blown to bits- Just kidding, but some girls I just want to say "Fuck you" to them for being a bitch.
He sounds kind of creepy.

Howabout you wait 'til maturity to start dating?


Well, you could just tell her that you are sorry for acting like that, if she doesn't want to listen to you just forget about her, and leave that in the past
I used to stalk a girl in the 9th grade and now after two years she's one of my best friends
but it mostly depends on the personality of the certain female


Quote from: supersonic196 on April 15, 2012, 10:06:11 AM
He sounds kind of creepy.

Howabout you wait 'til maturity to start dating?

When I was in middle school, there were fucking 6th graders that were dating, even in elementary school, in KINDERGARTEN