What's So Great About the Xbox 360 Anyway? >=U

Started by Hakudamashi, May 06, 2012, 12:23:36 PM

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It's bad enough that PULSE, a show that's all about the playstation stuff is showcasing Xbox360 ver. of ports, but what's  with this?

Say how much you prefer the Xbox360 over PS3 or whatever, but why would you not tell your viewers that the game costs $10.00 on PSN? Or hell, you'd get it free if you got PS+? I swear if I didn't know any better, I'd think it was XBLA exclusive...

And another, up until recently when professional game sites list the consoles the game is out for, they did so in alphabetical order, now they like have Xbox360 in front of the list 90% of the time.

This may mean nothing to the rest of you, but this whole favouritism towards the Xbox360 is really getting on my nerves.
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You didnt complain when everyone used the PS2 to Review. So quit yer bitchin'.

The most 'popular' console will be used to review multi-platform games. end of story.

Thats how it is, Thats how it was, Thats how it always will be.


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on May 06, 2012, 12:31:51 PM
You didnt complain when everyone used the PS2 to Review. So quit yer bitchin'.

The most 'popular' console will be used to review multi-platform games. end of story.

Thats how it is, Thats how it was, Thats how it always will be.

This and always this.


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on May 06, 2012, 12:31:51 PM
You didnt complain when everyone used the PS2 to Review. So quit yer bitchin'.

The most 'popular' console will be used to review multi-platform games. end of story.

Thats how it is, Thats how it was, Thats how it always will be.
I'm not even complaining about them using the Xbox360 port in their review, just that I think it's bad professionally that they never mentioned that this game was even on the PS3, I'm very sure in the PS2 glory days it was mentioned that it was also on Gamecube and Xbox.

That's all fine and dandy if it's a supposed unbias game journalist, but the thing is with shows like PULSE who are all about Playstation news, its a tad disrespectful(not sure if right word to use) to be showing the Xbox360 ver. don'tcha think?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on May 06, 2012, 12:40:14 PM
I'm not even complaining about them using the Xbox360 port in their review, just that I think it's bad professionally that they never mentioned that this game was even on the PS3, I'm very sure in the PS2 glory days it was mentioned that it was also on Gamecube and Xbox.
It says what system it is for on the GT-Site - The Reviews where never really designed for YouTube.

Quote from: windlessusher on May 06, 2012, 12:40:14 PM
That's all fine and dandy if it's a supposed unbias game journalist, but the thing is with shows like PULSE who are all about Playstation news, its a tad disrespectful(not sure if right word to use) to be showing the Xbox360 ver. don'tcha think?

I have no clue what PULSE is, but if its supposed to be be playstation exclusive, it shouldnt use an xbox version.

a) They want a review out early - but its 'first' available on 360.
b) If you're a big reviewer, you get lots of games sponsored - if the publisher (by mistake or not knowing that they're platform-exclusive) send in a 360 Version of a title, they'll just have to use that.

And it just so happens that you lose less money by sending 360 copies instead of PS3 copies.


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on May 06, 2012, 12:48:06 PM
It says what system it is for on the GT-Site - The Reviews where never really designed for YouTube.
Regardless, they should've mentioned it in the review itself.

Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on May 06, 2012, 12:48:06 PM
It says what system it is for on the GT-Site - The Reviews where never really designed for YouTube.

I have no clue what PULSE is, but if its supposed to be be playstation exclusive, it shouldnt use an xbox version.

a) They want a review out early - but its 'first' available on 360.
b) If you're a big reviewer, you get lots of games sponsored - if the publisher (by mistake or not knowing that they're platform-exclusive) send in a 360 Version of a title, they'll just have to use that.

And it just so happens that you lose less money by sending 360 copies instead of PS3 copies.
PULSE IS Playstation exclusive, and it come on PSN once every 2 weeks, and if it's a case where the 360 ver. is available first, then shouldn't they wait until the PS3 ver. is out before they show it?
This is just an example, they used the Xbox ver. of I am alive.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on May 06, 2012, 12:57:24 PM
Regardless, they should've mentioned it in the review itself.
PULSE IS Playstation exclusive, and it come on PSN once every 2 weeks, and if it's a case where the 360 ver. is available first, then shouldn't they wait until the PS3 ver. is out before they show it?
This is just an example, they used the Xbox ver. of I am alive.

I am alive almost came out a month earlier on 360.
They probably had to keep it on schedule and used footage directly by ubisoft, not their own recordings.
thats just my guess though


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on May 06, 2012, 01:11:06 PM
I am alive almost came out a month earlier on 360.
They probably had to keep it on schedule and used footage directly by ubisoft, not their own recordings.
thats just my guess though
So if I understand you correctly, Ubisoft could not spare any footage whatsoever of the PS3 ver. of I Am Alive to this Sony exclusive news show at the risk of cause fanboys to nerd rage about stuff like this?

And what makes me more suspicious that this started in the late 2011(about October), but they only did it with one game, and it happened very rarely, but recently(within the last month or so) almost all the ports they show is the 360 ver...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on May 06, 2012, 01:22:04 PM
So if I understand you correctly, Ubisoft could not spare any footage whatsoever of the PS3 ver. of I Am Alive to this Sony exclusive news show at the risk of cause fanboys to nerd rage about stuff like this?

And what makes me more suspicious that this started in the late 2011(about October), but they only did it with one game, and it happened very rarely, but recently(within the last month or so) almost all the ports they show is the 360 ver...

no, what i'm saying is there probably was no PS3 footage at all until the title was released - so they had to use existing stock-footage that ubisoft had shown to showcase the game.

This show aired a week before i am alive was released for the PS3

And probably most of their footage is stock-footage of a dev. walkthrough or something, and those just happen to be on the 360 for the most part.


Well, I have no idea what their "schedule" is like, so telling them to wait until PS3 footage is released is kinda out of the question...

But here's my question, why exactly is the Xbox360 the console of choice anyway? I need to make sure that I'm not blinded by fanboyism...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on May 06, 2012, 01:52:44 PM
Well, I have no idea what their "schedule" is like, so telling them to wait until PS3 footage is released is kinda out of the question...

But here's my question, why exactly is the Xbox360 the console of choice anyway? I need to make sure that I'm not blinded by fanboyism...

For Dev's; 360 is easier to develop for, thus most of the time they dev it for the 360 and then port it over
For Publishers spending a copy; spending a free DVD is cheaper than spending a free Blu-Ray for them.
     plus as stated above, there still might be some problems with the PS3 Port on an early review version.

As for reviewers... there really isnt a reason to use the 360 over the PS3.
Maybe because the button prompts are shinier or they prefer the controller or its because of what i stated above.
Or maybe because most people will buy it on the 360 anyway.

No real reason.


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on May 06, 2012, 02:38:48 PM
For Dev's; 360 is easier to develop for, thus most of the time they dev it for the 360 and then port it over
For Publishers spending a copy; spending a free DVD is cheaper than spending a free Blu-Ray for them.
     plus as stated above, there still might be some problems with the PS3 Port on an early review version.

As for reviewers... there really isnt a reason to use the 360 over the PS3.
Maybe because the button prompts are shinier or they prefer the controller or its because of what i stated above.
Or maybe because most people will buy it on the 360 anyway.

No real reason.
For more info on this, see the "You Were Right SmashFinale" topic. *shotdead*

But for the most part, PS3 programming is much more difficult than 360 and most of the time they send a trailer for it they are probably still working on the project UNLESS they have a PS3 exclusive content to show.


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on May 06, 2012, 02:38:48 PM
For Dev's; 360 is easier to develop for, thus most of the time they dev it for the 360 and then port it over
For Publishers spending a copy; spending a free DVD is cheaper than spending a free Blu-Ray for them.
     plus as stated above, there still might be some problems with the PS3 Port on an early review version.
I already knew all that in the case of Xbox360 vs. PS3, but what about when there's a PC ver.?

I mean sure, no matter what any "reviewer" does or say, the PC is always best (Well all games are made on a PC first, so it should), but my 360 gripe still stands because of button layout...

When I play any recent PC game that allows the use of the gamepad, it shows me the Xbox360 controller and uses it's buttons... My gamepad's buttons are labelled 1-12, not X,B,Y,A,etc. And not only do they force me to get used to the 360 buttons, but I can't even change the button layout, Doesn't matter if I prefer to use the shoulder buttons for shooting, it forces me to use triggers, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it...
And to add insult to injury, the gamepads that were selling in my local game store has the 360 button layout and triggers, instead of 1-10/12.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on May 06, 2012, 03:06:41 PM
I already knew all that in the case of Xbox360 vs. PS3, but what about when there's a PC ver.?

I mean sure, no matter what any "reviewer" does or say, the PC is always best (Well all games are made on a PC first, so it should), but my 360 gripe still stands because of button layout...

When I play any recent PC game that allows the use of the gamepad, it shows me the Xbox360 controller and uses it's buttons... My gamepad's buttons are labelled 1-12, not X,B,Y,A,etc. And not only do they force me to get used to the 360 buttons, but I can't even change the button layout, Doesn't matter if I prefer to use the shoulder buttons for shooting, it forces me to use triggers, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it...
And to add insult to injury, the gamepads that were selling in my local game store has the 360 button layout and triggers, instead of 1-10/12.
Probably due to the fact that usually they want to showcase console games instead of PC and Handhelds. As far as gamepads i think its to get better sales with traditional gamepad buttons instead of 1-12 as that might be confusing to some consumers


Quote from: windlessusher on May 06, 2012, 03:06:41 PM
I already knew all that in the case of Xbox360 vs. PS3, but what about when there's a PC ver.?

I mean sure, no matter what any "reviewer" does or say, the PC is always best (Well all games are made on a PC first, so it should), but my 360 gripe still stands because of button layout...

When I play any recent PC game that allows the use of the gamepad, it shows me the Xbox360 controller and uses it's buttons... My gamepad's buttons are labelled 1-12, not X,B,Y,A,etc. And not only do they force me to get used to the 360 buttons, but I can't even change the button layout, Doesn't matter if I prefer to use the shoulder buttons for shooting, it forces me to use triggers, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it...
And to add insult to injury, the gamepads that were selling in my local game store has the 360 button layout and triggers, instead of 1-10/12.

'Cause PC Sales - 'Cause PC Ports - 'Cause PC Multiplayer - 'Cause PC DRM - 'Cause PC Release Dates
'Cause its easier to organize everything for one platform

As for the controller; The Xbox 360 Controller is the standard PC-Controller. That's just how it is.
And i've never even heard of a controller where the buttons are numbered. o,o