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new enemys

Started by sonicfan10, February 08, 2009, 10:41:34 PM

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This is just a role-play where some new enemys come into the story.
My charecters can be taken over but not killed. your characters can be taken over or not.
And PLEASE don't swear  ;)

My character: STEEL THUNDER


Age: none
Life: A robot that was constructed by metal sonic. His goals are to be free from all evil.
But do that he has to do what metal sonic says, A.K.A destroy sonic.
Side: evil
gender: male
speicies: robot
persanality: An evil robot
Powers:shoe spikes open to reveal lasers, helicopter and
grapling hook. nose spike= self destruct mode, and tail digs under ground.

Sonic is a playable character anyone can play him.

Story starts in metal sonics lair:

Steel thunder: "Misson ready!"
metal sonic: "destroy sonic!
Steel thunder:"misson saving... Misson saved. destroing sonic.
commencing misson!"
Steel thunder has run away...


I'm not sure.. Maybe if u worked it out abit more =P Keep up the good work, mate
This is a signature.

Light the Hedgehog

i'll use this fan cahracter of mine

name: Light the hedgehog

look: this is a link to what Light looks like

life: unknown

side: hero (but goes beserk at times)

powers: he has the same abilities as Shadow and one extra named "Chaos Planet Buster", but he can only use Chaos Planet Buster when he goes beserk. Super Transformation, able to go Dark Spine using the Legendary Emerald. can run up 1,500 miles an hour.


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on February 12, 2009, 03:48:41 AM
i'll use this fan cahracter of mine

name: Light the hedgehog

look: red fur, grey streaks on the quills same style shoe as sonic (but this characters shoes are grey instead of red), grey eyes (due to beinga "Defective" version of Shadow the hedgehog).

life: unknown

side: hero (but goes beserk at times)

powers: he has the same abilities as Shadow and one extra named "Chaos Planet Buster", but he can only use Chaos Planet Buster when he goes beserk. Super Transformation, able to go Dark Spine using the Legendary Emerald. can run up 1,500 miles an hour.

Your in...


side:good * eyes turn yellow when  gets mad*
powers:can glide,use super sonic boom,warp, and can summon the master keyblade,and turns to werehog at knight
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> pikagir, or girchu? you decide, LOL WUT!            and DON"T SPAM!! >:(


Quote from: sonicfan10 on February 08, 2009, 10:41:34 PM
Story starts in metal sonics lair:

Steel thunder: "Misson ready!"
metal sonic: "destroy sonic!
Steel thunder:"misson saving... Misson saved. destroing sonic.
commencing misson!"
Steel thunder has run away...
if you want to start just leave the details `bout your characterand start of anywhere and somehow you will meet up with the others...


OOC: oh yeah sonicfan10 how did you get that sonic character on here? i know what it is,you creat your own sonic charater but how did you get it here?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> pikagir, or girchu? you decide, LOL WUT!            and DON"T SPAM!! >:(


oh. if you go to a topic called SONIC CHARACTER CREATOR follow the link and a pic of sonic pointing right says save. then if you want to keep it save it into your dextop and if you just want it for this perhaps select proporties and copy the url and paste it in a [img /img] code

any back on topic: anymore charecters or more parts of the story?

Light the Hedgehog

since "Light the hedgehog" is also my user name. i'll put "me" instead of "Light".

me: *wakes up in the middle of no-where* what the-?


Quote from: sonicfan10 on February 14, 2009, 12:29:17 PM
oh. if you go to a topic called SONIC CHARACTER CREATOR follow the link and a pic of sonic pointing right says save. then if you want to keep it save it into your dextop and if you just want it for this perhaps select proporties and copy the url and paste it in a [img /img] code

any back on topic: anymore charecters or more parts of the story?
ok...........i went to the custom sonic game,and there was nothing that said save. :-\
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> pikagir, or girchu? you decide, LOL WUT!            and DON"T SPAM!! >:(

Light the Hedgehog




Metal sonic:Ha ha ha ha!
Sonic will be destroyed!
steel thunder is in the middle of nowhere along with light...
Steel thunder: must find sonic!
he runs into light..
S.T: Identifing target: sonic the hedgehog- vision is a hedgehog destroy the hedgehog!
he is about to destroy light when...


sonicfrenzy:naps on a tree*
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> pikagir, or girchu? you decide, LOL WUT!            and DON"T SPAM!! >:(

Light the Hedgehog

Quote from: sonicfan10 on February 15, 2009, 06:33:10 AM
Metal sonic:Ha ha ha ha!
Sonic will be destroyed!
steel thunder is in the middle of nowhere along with light...
Steel thunder: must find sonic!
he runs into light..
S.T: Identifing target: sonic the hedgehog- vision is a hedgehog destroy the hedgehog!
he is about to destroy light when...
me: OVER MY DEAD BODY, PUNK *SS! *fihgts S.T.*


sonicfrenzy:*still napping*
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> pikagir, or girchu? you decide, LOL WUT!            and DON"T SPAM!! >:(