Any German Speakers? (Warning, long post)

Started by BrilliantlyAphotic, December 21, 2012, 04:55:44 AM

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I'm looking for anyone fluent in German to help me translate a song. Keep You Right by Blind Pilot in specific. I've already done a little bit of work on it myself, but I'm very very bad at German, seeing as I'm in an extremely slow moving German one class. I've pretty much been sitting around with an English to German dictionary. Don't make fun of me please

Here's what I have so far

Die Sterne waschen über mich so weit weg, dass ich kaum aus, wo ich lag atmen.
Ich habe noch nie so weit von zu Hause oder der Zeit, dass ich geboren wurde

Ich bin durch Ebbe und Flut ruft.
Ich rufe, egal wohin es geht

Desert Rock und Rosmarin tragen trocken und blutleer auf der Brise, machen mich neue
Schlag in mein Gesicht wieder, zwischen den Knochen und schütteln Sie und klopfen mich

Ich habe so lange weg, dass ich dich verloren, meine Liebe, mein Lied
Du gibst mir alles so ich muss halte du mit der rechten

oohhh Halten Sie rechts

mein Herz will zu viel und ich weiß nicht genug, um die Notwendigkeit zu erkennen
Es hört nie auf oder verlangsamt. Ich höre auf den Boden um seine Lied zu hören

Ich rufe, obwohl ich viel Angst haben
Ich rufe. Was kann ich tun? - Sag mir, was kann ich tun?

Ich habe so lange weg, dass ich dich verloren, meine Liebe, mein Lied
Du gibst mir alles so ich muss halte du mit der rechten
Du gibst mir alles so ich muss halte du mit der rechten

oohhh Halten Sie rechts
oohhh Halten Sie rechts
oohhh Halten Sie rechts

and here's the original English version.

These stars wash over me, so far away that I can barely breathe, from where I lay
Never have I been so far from home o'er the years I was cut from sand and rain

I'm calling through ebb and flow; I'm calling whichever way it goes

Desert rock and rosemary carry dry and bloodless on the breeze, make me new
Blow into my face again, blow between the bones that shake and knock me through and through

I've been away so long and lost you my love the song and sight
You give me anything you want to I'm bound to keep you right
Ooohhh to keep you right

My heart longs for too much, mine eyes have hardly seen enough to know it's need
Never does it stop or slow I press my ear against the ground to know the song it sings

I'm calling, fear running through; I'm calling what more can I do
Tell me what more can I do

I've been away so long and lost you my love, the song inside
You give me anything you want to now I'm bound to keep you right
You give me anything you want to now I'm bound to keep you right
Oh to keep you right

I'll do all the syllabic work, I just want someone to help out with the grammatical stuff. Thanks


Sorry if I'm backseat-modding, but we only speak English here.


I myself speak English as my first language, but am also fluent in Japanese and Spanish. I'm simply looking for someone who speaks German as well as English, which should not be too hard considering it is the second most commonly spoken language online.


Well you could try the chat, but that would require a Chatango account. You got one? IMO I don't think anyone here speaks German.


Kyo might. I think he either lives in Germany or lived there at some point.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Wait, I think he comes from Switzerland. Do the Switz speak Deusche?


Quote from: jkid101094 on December 21, 2012, 06:48:00 AM
Kyo might. I think he either lives in Germany or lived there at some point.

He moved from england to switzerland i think

Quote from: LeaflameSD64 on December 21, 2012, 07:42:36 AM
Wait, I think he comes from Switzerland. Do the Switz speak Deusche?

Yes but it there is a slight difference, just like the way English varies between the UK and US.

I myself speak German, but the problem with translating lyrics is that they don't always make sense once translated, since they are modified to fit the song.

Might I ask the reasoning behind this? Is it for school work, or just a hobby?


It's for school, but not totally necessary as I could just change the project to something I wouldn't need help with. I know it can be difficult to translate songs, and that's why I wanted to find a fluent speaker to help a bit. I would be able to tweak it syllabically, so it shouldn't be too hard for someone to just look at what I have myself and change it around so it isn't completely a garbled mess


Quote from: BrilliantlyAphotic on December 21, 2012, 08:10:07 AM
It's for school, but not totally necessary as I could just change the project to something I wouldn't need help with. I know it can be difficult to translate songs, and that's why I wanted to find a fluent speaker to help a bit. I would be able to tweak it syllabically, so it shouldn't be too hard for someone to just look at what I have myself and change it around so it isn't completely a garbled mess

Ah fair enough, may I ask the name of the song? Just so I can listen to it. Although, like yourself English is my first language but I did study German for A-level so I might be able to be of some assistance. Although Kyo-cat would be the best choice


The song is Keep You Right by Blind Pilot. Thank you very much if you decide to help


I know it is greater than my example, but from my experience it isn't that great a difference. We studied a play by a swiss play-write for a-level, it was just a few differences in wording.

Although if it is just for a project then a simple translation would be fine, unless you are going to make a cover of it. I'll make up a draft copy once I get a chance, when is it due?


in a couple weeks. It doesn't need to be perfect because my teacher is extremely relaxed with that type of thing. And I think I took back the whole correcting the Swiss blah-dee-blah cause I felt it was rude. Sorry about that. Thank you so much and take as long as you want