Sign to "Sonic Adventure 3 Petition!"

Started by TheSonicGamer201X, February 23, 2013, 02:24:04 PM

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Don't you Dare lie to me!
You Want The Game to Be released but you have no hope!
Sign to this Petition!
you wanted the game for many years!!!
how do you want a game to be released if you have no hope on yourself? tell me!
"Stay Proud,Believe on Yourself,Have Hope On yourself!" (and you know who)
these were the words of a great hero!
If you really want the Game to be released then....

Petition Link:



Quote from: jackle86 on February 23, 2013, 02:31:59 PM

Oh WTF jackle! why don't you wanna vote????
you wanted this game for years too! (i think so)
come on!


Quote from: TheSonicGamer201X on February 23, 2013, 02:40:14 PM
Oh WTF jackle! why don't you wanna vote????
you wanted this game for years too! (i think so)
come on!
I really don't care whether or not the game gets released. I don't want it to happen, but I don't want it to not happen either. I don't care either way.
I'm not going to sign some stupid position just because some idiot pressures me into doing it.


Quote from: jackle86 on February 23, 2013, 03:03:01 PM
I really don't care whether or not the game gets released. I don't want it to happen, but I don't want it to not happen either. I don't care either way.
I'm not going to sign some stupid position just because some idiot pressures me into doing it.

And you call yourself a Sonic/Tails Fan....
you're just another fanboy...


Quote from: TheSonicGamer201X on February 23, 2013, 03:05:59 PM
And you call yourself a Sonic/Tails Fan....
you're just another fanboy...
Yes, I am a Sonic/Tails fan. I'm not the one who's obsessing over this sonic adventure 3 thing. If I was, I'd be considered a "fanboy". I honestly am perfectly okay with SEGA doing whatever they want with the series, and if they don't release the third adventure game, I'm not going to get fucking upset over it because it's not a big deal.

You're making this seem as though I'm the bad guy. I'm not. I'm not the good guy either. I'm neutral. I'm perfectly fine with SEGA doing what they want with the series because I like the series and if SEGA listened to the fans all the time, the sonic series would suck even more. But if SEGA never listens to the fans, the series will be bland and the same thing over and over again.

If SEGA releases sonic adventure 3 I'll be happy. If they don't release sonic adventure 3, I'll be okay with it. Think about it; if they haven't released the third Adventure game yet, they probably won't ever do it. It's 2013. Sega's done with the Adventure series. They've MOVED ON.

Ye Olde Swagfag

This. Is baloney. SA3 is never going to be released, end of. I really think these types of topics should be banned >:( I mean, there are only another 15772313312398 topics like this.

QuoteAnd you call yourself a Sonic/Tails Fan....
you're just another fanboy...
TSG201X... no. Just no.


Quote from: jackle86 on February 23, 2013, 03:41:10 PM
Yes, I am a Sonic/Tails fan. I'm not the one who's obsessing over this sonic adventure 3 thing. If I was, I'd be considered a "fanboy". I honestly am perfectly okay with SEGA doing whatever they want with the series, and if they don't release the third adventure game, I'm not going to get fucking upset over it because it's not a big deal.

You're making this seem as though I'm the bad guy. I'm not. I'm not the good guy either. I'm neutral. I'm perfectly fine with SEGA doing what they want with the series because I like the series and if SEGA listened to the fans all the time, the sonic series would suck even more. But if SEGA never listens to the fans, the series will be bland and the same thing over and over again.

If SEGA releases sonic adventure 3 I'll be happy. If they don't release sonic adventure 3, I'll be okay with it. Think about it; if they haven't released the third Adventure game yet, they probably won't ever do it. It's 2013. Sega's done with the Adventure series. They've MOVED ON.

were in the future now sonic is their logo but its really hard to make new games for sonic