The Ultimate Test

Started by Light the Hedgehog, February 14, 2009, 05:38:38 AM

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Elana:PICU BROS.! *faints*

Light the Hedgehog

*this plays *

Pichu (older): PICHU PICHU! *starts running tward the maverick leader: Dr. Ablert Wily*


Amy:*follows the pichu bros*

Light the Hedgehog

Dr Wily:..well well well...if it isn't the irken princess and the Pichu Brothers....


Amy:...wait..arnt you that dr.willy guy from that human game "megaman"

Light the Hedgehog

Dr Wily: YEP! AND OH-HO-HO WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME GOOD FUN...! *randomly morphs into some weird irken-like alien and starts fighting us*

random annoucer: older pichu V.S. DR WILY!

Pichu (older): PICHU PICHU PI! (BAD *SS MUSIC TIME, GO!) *SolarisPhase Two music plays*


Amy;...ughh copying immature..*invader uniform and and eyes turn red*

OOC:in this case..amy is really super duper pissed off ._.

Light the Hedgehog

Pichu (older): *yells GEMINI THUNDER in japanese*!!!! *knocks out Dr Wily*

Dr Wily:..heh-heh-heh....*gets back up on his feet*...i will fight the other Pichu Brother and the irken girl me at mount doom at 12:00 midnight tonight! *warps to mount doom*


Amy*yells something in japanes*

Light the Hedgehog

Pichu (younger)  *in high pitched voice*:...meep..


Amy:....*warps to mount doom*

OOC:lol pichu was scared?

Light the Hedgehog

OOC: the younger one was...

six minutes later..

Pichu Bros.: *are finally at mount doom*....pihu pichu pi> (whatd we miss)

Dr Wily: nothing really...

Pichu (younger): PICHU PICHU PI! (well give me your best shoot, WILY!)


Amy:*some how is tied up and hanging over the moutain*

Light the Hedgehog

Pichu (older): PICHU PICHU PI! (i'll get amy, you take care of wily!) *scurries over to Amy*

Dr Wily: *lowers Amy* don't even think about it, Pichu!

Pichu (younger):...PICHU PICHU PICHU PI!  (BAD *SS MUSIC TIME, GO!) *solaris phase two plays while he fight s Wily in irken form*


Amy:>:D *flips back in the moutain and kicks willy off the edge..*