Invader Zim Roleplay

Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, February 18, 2009, 11:03:27 AM

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Amy;....ZIm?...what do you think....he did throw us in water...

Light the Hedgehog

Zim: so? he was just trying to protect his home...*whispers: since we're irken invaders*....i already said yes...what do you think?


Light the Hedgehog

me:...YES!!!! i haven't felt this happy since the day i became friends with sonicfrenzy!!!


Light the Hedgehog

me: YYYUP!...this is one of the best moments in my intire life! W00T!!!! *jumps in the sky and explodes*


Light the Hedgehog

me: WHOO-!....oh, sh*t! *lands in the water*

Light the Hedgehog

me:...good thing i can swim......*swims back to shore*...

Tiger: *beats the h*ll out of the tiger clone*


Amy:...are mobians always like this when they are exiter/happy


Light the Hedgehog

me: you should see what this guy does when he's happy...*brings out a picture of sonic the hedgehog*...


Amy:..i dun wanna know *hids behind zim*..o.o

Light the Hedgehog

me: what? all he does is just run all the way around the world for 10 days straight with out sleeping.... :P


Amy:.... ._.

Elana;..its true...

Light the Hedgehog

Sonic:...sweet! for the first time ever Aliens have landed on our planet!!! W00T!!!! *runs around the world for 10 days straight with out sleeping*