Invader Zim Roleplay

Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, February 18, 2009, 11:03:27 AM

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Light the Hedgehog

me:...ALRIGHT! there's 6 of us....and three tents...two to a tent...who''s sleeping with who?


Amy:..i donno


Light the Hedgehog

me:...okay....i'll be with gir, Amy you go with Zim, Shadow you go with Elana.

Shadow: okay... O_O


Light the Hedgehog

me:...first lets sit around the campfire...and...raost marshmallows or something...


Light the Hedgehog

me: *brings out a bag of large marshmallows*...try one!


Amy:...*takes one* hmm..squishy..white...*eats one*......hmm not bad

Light the Hedgehog

me:...good...not put on on a stick without moss or blue stuff on it and put it over the fire until it's brown.


Amy;..uhh ok..*finds a clean stick*...

Elana:..then do this *puts stick throgh marshmellow*

Amy;..ok *puts stick through marshmellow*


Light the Hedgehog

me: don't worry, Tiger and i have been saving 1,000s of marshmallows LONG before this...

Tiger: *brings out all the bags him and i have*


Elana:...they are really big fans of chocolate and marsh mellows

Amy:..i can see that o.o

Light the Hedgehog

me:...*sticks a marsh mallow on a stick and puts it over the fire* =3


Amy:...*puts marshmellow through stick and puts it over the fire* i cant keep the marshmellow in the fire for long?

Elana:..unless you really wanna burn your mouth...*puts marshmellow through stick and puts it over the fire*