Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 - Full Burst

Started by shadowDOESrock, July 04, 2013, 05:04:13 AM

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Stop your bitching. You guys are giving this game shit even though it's one of the best fighting games I've played in a long time.

windless, I actually liked the campaign. The cutscenes and action were rendered VERY well. I'd be happier if I never had to fight Deidara though... and that whole back dash cancel shit you were talking about has NEVER happened for me. The game isn't a matter of spamming subs, you need to time them right.

Kyo, substitutions don't determine the whole game. Get your head out of your ass, find a window of opportunity and back dash before you get your ass whooped. Do you honestly think an instant awakening is really gonna last until you die? Odds are you're playing someone with just as much skill as you. That or you suck. Just saying. Also would you be so kind as to explain: what the hell do you mean by shallow?

Smash, based on what you said I'm going to safely assume you haven't played this game.

As for me, I'm sure as hell getting this on the PC. I would separately buy the content on PSN but my PS3 is such shit that I can't even access PSN. Hell, the fact that I was forced back to a console and the quick time events were my only complaints about the game. The original was very enjoyable for me and nobody in this thread seems to agree.


if this is "one of the best fighting games I've played in a long time." you obviously have not played any fighting games in the last decade.


I've played MK9, SSFIV3D, and plenty of the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai and Tenkaichi games. SSFIV3D and MK9 were pretty great but both practically no single player appeal and MK9 used that online pass bullshit so I never got to play it online. Budokai 3 was the last stable Dragon Ball Z game until Tenkaichi came in and made things lots less fun.

Eh. We're all entitled to our own opinions so I should stop my shit right about now.


Quote from: Wolfy on July 06, 2013, 11:21:22 AM
Smash, based on what you said I'm going to safely assume you haven't played this game.
I pre-ordered the game. And it ended up being the same reason i can never fully enjoy TF2.

I get butt-raped so hard that i can't even make a single move It's as if i join the room then put my controller down for the entire match. I buy video games to PLAY THEM, not to WATCH THEM.

I can't wrap my head around the gameplay itself enough to enjoy it. Just like how you couldn't feel the enjoyment of SSE.

And as for the story, the cutscenes were so lenghty and drawn-out. In fact, chapter four itself was really just one humungous cutscene within a boss fight. That's not acceptable. By any means.

Sorry for being so curt with you. I just needed to get that off my chest.


I final beat the campaign and it was f*cking glorious. I dunno where Kyo gets this "Movie" thing from, cause the only offender of this was Chapter 4, but really, how else could that have been done?
And spoiler alert, this game completely derails from the actual Kishimoto story in the end, which I appreciate, the original story gets very...ugh.

And from playing alot of online matches, I've noticed something...
This game is a 3D Killer Instinct...
Substitution=Combo Breaker
Chackra Dash Cancel=Extenders

And much like Killer Instinct, I've learned the hard way that when you substitute, unless you're using a character with a "tilt" that carries you through the map(Sakura, Killer Bee, Karin), or a character with a long range grab(Tobi, Minato), that is NOT a time to counterattack, that actually just resets the match back to the neutral game.
I've also notice that if you substitute your opponent's chackra dash cancel, it leaves them at a huge disadvantage, THAT is when you can counterattack.

And yes, I've noticed that you must pre-emptively ready the chackra load to do the dash cancel as soon as the opponent does a substitute in order for it to be advantageous. Do it too soon, then the guy substitutes and it's back to neutral game, do it too late, then the guy can just guard it/jump over it and punish hard... unless you're Sakura >_>

This game highly favours the attacker and rewards being offensive, where the defender has to play a constant guessing game in order to get out safely, it makes sense why substitution needed it's own meter separate from your chackra. And because combos are just mash O, you can actually focus on making those correct guesses. It's quite the hype game when you get into it.

Now if they could do something about Sakura's "tilt" @_@
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!