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Sonic 2

Started by TheSlender, July 21, 2013, 01:05:11 PM

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Zer0 V.S Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Sonic 2 starts off with Sonic the hedgehog on a race to stop Dr. Robotnik before he destroys the world with his Death Egg. Along his adventure, he meets a heroic little fox named tails. Soon after racing through stages and pounding Robotnik's machines into scrap, Sonic manages to reach the Death Egg, where he encounters Dr. Roboty one more time. Among defeating his special new machine, Sonic destroys the Death Egg and is saved by Tails in his plane, the Tornado, soon after. Meanwhile, the duo heads out onto another adventure while the Death Egg crash lands into the ocean below itself, never to be seen again until Sonic 3.

Okay, let me start by saying Sonic 2 is awesome. I can picture the commercial like it was yesterday and of course, it was weird, yet those were the 1900's and whatever we see in that era was of course classical. Anyways, Sonic 2's gameplay focuses on Sonic the hedgehog and the newcomer Miles "Tails" Prower, mainly being called Tails for short. Originally, Tails was going to be a girl in the Japan version of Sonic 2, but developers decided to fix that and continue making him a male. Tails didn't get his gender change and all was right with the world. When you get to the actions of each character, Sonic, being known for his speed of course, can dash through the stage at extreme speed, sometimes leaving Tails behind. If you are playing as Sonic, you can also abuse Tails as a human shield for almost any hazard, but those people can't sleep at night because of that without praying he doesn't come into existence. When playing as Tails, you're basically playing as another character who controls just like Sonic, only a bit slower. Although, when in Sonic stages, it can be seen that when Tails is left behind, he flies right back to the character. So why can't I have that as a special skill in the first place when playing as him? The answer is something that nobody knows. Though it is introduced that he can fly in Sonic 3, showing the developers were just a tiny bit lazy. When playing as Super Sonic, everything will move fast and I mean fast. Super Sonic can do everything Sonic could including his spindash and spinjump. But he is also the fastest character in the game and completely invincible. But he is still defeated if he falls off a cliff or is crushed by a platform so even his invincibility has bad luck. Overall, the gameplay is just like Sonic 1. Another thing, there are also new special stages which appear to be half-pipes. Be prepared to see these type of special stages in a couple more Sonic games. After collecting 50 rings, players can jump into a mega ring and witness a special stage. However, when Sonic and Tails enter the stage, they both are given the mission of collecting a certain amount of rings before reaching the next upcoming checkpoint. If they don't collect enough rings, they are forced to start over in another stage or at another local checkpoint inside of the stage itself. It is also proven by the way that the special stages can be accessed from not only completing the stage, but reaching the local starposts inside the level itself. Now, when you do collect enough rings, you can collect one of the seven chaos emeralds at the end of the special stage. Do this seven times successfully and you can unlock Super Sonic. There are also items in the game that help Sonic and Tails progress forward through stages. The returning items are the springs and item boxes. In each item box, players can find a special power-up that helps them whether it's running really fast with the speed shoes or being protected from objects with the shield barrier. Though even with these itmems, it appears that the teleportation ones from the past Sonic games have been scrapped and are now only used in Multiplayer mode. Another thing, Multiplayer mode is a brand new type of gameplay introduced in Sonic 2. There are four multiplayer stages including Emerald Hill, Mystic Cave, Casino Night and a Special Stage. When playing in a stage, the main mission to reach the goal before your friend. When in the Specil Stage, the mission switches up to collecting enough rings. Introducing multiplayer mode to Sonic the hedgehog games was definately a success after this and has been progressing through other games ever since.

Emerald Hill:  The first stage of the game. It is also the most fun in my opinion. Emerald hill shows off the speed of both characters, including almost all of their powers/skills.

Chemical Plant: Dr. Robotnik's main base. The Chemical Plant is such a good game, that is was introduced in Sonic Generations years later. To survive this stage, you'll need to master jumping platform to platform unless you wanna drown in the water rising section which can be a total bitch if you haven't mastered the jump skills yet.

Aquatic Ruin: The second water stage of the game only with real water. The ruins of the area show it is quite old for say, also being dangerous. You might as well use stealth to dodge the arrows tossed at you in some of the stage.

Casino Night: Casino Night is a fun stage with nice... everything. But after reacing through some of the stage, it is revealed that the stage is fairly easy, probably being more suited for beginners rather than the level number it's set for.

Hill Top: It's basically Emerald Hill except for above the clouds. No better way to describe it folks. Just don't fall off the many cliffs scattered around the area and I mean scattered.

Mystic Cave: Well, it doesn't really seem mystic at all. The one thing to look out for in Mystic Cave is the pit. You fall, you die. If you're Super Sonic, be ready to wait down there because you will not escape.

Oil Ocean: Dr. Robotnik's second base in the game. Oil Ocean appears to be half made of oil, no surprise there. If you fall into the oil, you have a bit of a chance to escape but if you just sit there and are too lazy, you will die.

Metropolis: This is the only stage in the game with 3 acts. But to be honest, as long as you just spindash through them, you'll be fine. Just... don't try to attack the star enemies. They hide in the walls and trying to attack them through the wall isn't even a smart idea. Infact, you'll just waste your time.

Sky Chase: Before Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Adventure, there was this Sky Chase. This ladies and gentlemen is the original Sky Chase. Where turtles could fly... literally.

Wing Fortress: After Tails/Sonic is shot down in Sky Chase, there's this stage to play through. It's basically Sky Deck from Sonic Adventure only in a 2D creation. Try not to fall off cliffs, use the platforms to your advantage and dodge enemies along the way. Nothing new.

Death Egg: The final stage of the game. Apparently Dr. Robotnik made a silverish robotic version of Sonic and sent him to destroy Sonic and Tails. This stage is mainly for Sonic though no matter what character you're playing as.

The music is something I just can't get over when playing the stages or battling a boss. Each soundtrack is just awesome, you have to bop your head to at least one of these songs because of how good they are. The only theme that annoys me is the Special Stage music because it is never twisted up and is played in every special stage, of cours. It just doesn't fit right with me after I enter them, even when i'm bored. Though the rest of the music is good, including the boss stage music. I love it, I love it, I love it.

Among the stages, Sonic and Tails will run into various hazards. Some of these hazards, including all the badniks, are very easy to avoid while some, say like a cliff, are unpredictable when doing a speed run at some time. You may be running through Hilltop Zone and suddenly by burned alive in fire because of not noticing it was waiting for you up ahead. I repeat, unpredictable. The only other two hazards are drowning if Sonic is in the water too long, which can be solved by collecting air bubbles that are scattered across the water sections of stages, and being crushed. Being crushed is, in my opinion, one of the most toughest things to come across in, no matter what Sonic the hedgehog game. Though for just this once, it never bothered me. Bravo Sonic 2, you saved my sanity.

The only gimmick in Sonic 2 is the scoreboard. After completing the stage, you are scored on how good you did. To get a perfect score and achieve a couple of 1UPs, you must defeat nearly half of all thre badniks, get to the goal in the shortest amount of time and of course not lose any rings. This can be a challenge with the hazards in the area as if you fuck up even once, you restart your entire score at the last checkpoint. Simple as that.

With all of this said and done, I feel that Sonic 2 was a huge leap forward with Sonic the hedgehog after his first game apperance. Bringing in Tails the fox and introudcing multiplayer mode was also another good part of that step. When you put it all together, Sonic the hedgehog 2 was just plain awesome. I'll give it a solid 10/10.


Dude, just use a screenshot from Sonic 2... Sonic 2 HD is entirely different, and besides, it overfills the post.


Yeah, I know. Just give me one quick second.

Ye Olde Swagfag

Took me two seconds to find this pic on Google Images, just saying...


Ill make this short Sonic 2 1991 amazing game



This is one of the best games ever created. So many memories to be honest.