Sonic the Hedgehog XNG! Continue the Story in a diffrent way!

Started by shadowDOESrock, February 26, 2009, 09:07:49 AM

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Light the Hedgehog


Light the Hedgehog


Light the Hedgehog

me: *brings out a sling star* this better bring us to where Soniac and Radow are.

Light the Hedgehog

Light the Hedgehog

*we're all back at Radow and Soniac's place* whew....

Dr. O: *sees monster* DR. OCTOGONOPUS! *fires shoop-dawhoop lazer at the monster*


Light the Hedgehog

Dr. O: I just like saying my own name when about to use a shoop-da-whoop for some odd reason. :P

me: he has a point you know.


Elana:0.o i am surrounded by strange things ev- gets hit by random things*

Light the Hedgehog

Dr. O: DR. OCTOGONOPUS! *fires at all the random things*
