10 More Games I'd like to see Next-Gen...

Started by shadowDOESrock, February 02, 2014, 01:06:02 PM

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Once upon a time I made a topic about 10 Games I'd like to see Next-Gen.
Well, since then 10 More came to my mind...

Original 10

High Moon's Transformers 3
Crackdown 3
Godzilla Generations 3
Something 'Anirealistic'
'Team Ninja Franchises'
Aliens vs Predator 4
Monster Hunter
Halo 5

Anyhow, here we go...

Assault Horizon Legacy 2

You're probably like wut right now.
So, what happens when you spin-off a spin-off, and that spin-off of a spin-off is a remake of the main series?

Actually, I dont know what happens - But it was a great game.
Unlike its... sistergame 'Assualt Horizon' for 360, the 3DS Spin-off (of the spin-off) was a remake of Ace Combat 2 featuring amazing music and fantastic sound design, as well as graphics. It god rid of what makes flight combat games tedious and fixed the implementation of 'DFM' the console Assault Horizon game had.

Not alot of videogames make me experience alot of adrenaline-pumped thrill... This one did.

If you have a 3DS, and wether you like flight combat games or not, you should get that title. It's really fun. Not alot of people have played this... spin-off of a spin-off that's actually a remake of the original franchise. (What even? Actually, I am aware that this game is actually a different spin-off of Ace Combat called 'Ace Combat 3D: Cross Rumble', but for some reason this has been changed for the western release)

This game also has one of the most thrilling boss music tracks i've head in a game....

(Wha' cha guys think?)

Blur 2

Well, this one... has no chance of happening but...
Blur 2.
What else do I need to say? It's Mario Kart with 80% more speed, excitement and adrenaline.

This game gives a special feeling a - 'saturday late night gaming' feeling, its distinct visual style that oozes with with a relaxing dark colour pallete (that yet doesnt dive into blandness) mixed with a neon-y look and chilling music that'll make you think of Blur everytime you hear it. Sometimes I'd wait a minute at the start screen just to listen.

Unfortunately the Studio Closed down after dissapointing sales of Blur and 007 Blood Stone.
The Franchise is open for licensing, so I hope someone'll pick it up and make a sequel. ^^

And yes, Blur Overdrive doesnt exist in my book.

A Platinum Games Game

Wether this will be Metal Gear Rising 2, Vanquish 2, or something completely new.
It really doesnt matter.

Platinum excelled at making amazingly good feeling action games on dated hardware, imagine what they can pull of on PS4 and XB1?

A Sequel to XCOM: Enemy Unknown infused with a bit of Fire Emblem

You're probably asking yourself 'infused with a bit of Fire Emblem? What?'
Well, XCOM is one of my favourite last-gen games.

Its difficult, unforgiving, addicting and exciting.
You'll get attached your characters. You really will.
You'll start with them as Rookie - and maybe you'll come as far with them until they obtain super powers.
You'll guide them through dozens and dozens missons. When they die it stings. It stings bad.

XCOM is actually the same genre as Fire Emblem, and when I heard about the possibility of being able to couple up characters and all that fancy stuff, I thought it was really cool.

If I could do that with my XCOM Soldiers? Maybe even have them guide through their life in the barracks?
Maybe that'll result in a rebellion from the inside of XCOM? Even if its as simple as VN-Style interaction, i'd be happy. Either way, I'm looking forward to a new (Main) XCOM Title.

Prototype 3

Another one with no chance of happening...
This would be another franchise that could greatly benifit from next-gen power, having huge open-worlds, 60fps and lots of stuff going on.

Though, they'd have to focus on having a more emotional story.

Star Fox Assault 2

Need I say more?

A new Burnout

Yeah, remember when racers where silly and fun?
When there wasnt a 'story' with... 'dramatic philsophical dialouge' like this:

I want my rock, high-speed racing & epic crashes back.

Again, I wont say more to this, as I think its pretty clear.
But, once more 'again', this is another one with a small chance of happening, considering the dev is basically dead.

Lollipop Chainsaw 2

While this... would probably go under in the future for being 'sexist'...
I honestly dont care.

I love this game!
I mean, this game has a stage... where you fight... a Mohawk Punkrock Zombie that can kill you with the power of rock.

A Game with japanese-y giant robots

This one sounds odd, but - I'd love to see a game with giant robots that use a japanese mech philosophy.
I want to 'boosto' across cityscapes, fire missile barrages around complexes, smash buildings and all that good stuff. I believe there's a Gundam (Fighting) Game that's (kinda) like this, but it aint localized - so, yeah.

Strike Suit Zero 2

It seems like absolutely no one is aware of this game. But this is also one of my favourites of last-gen.
Aside from fantastic visual design and music (and also one of the most addicting horde mode DLCs ever), this is one of the best space combat games i've played. Not only that, but your ship can transform into a mech - a japanese mech - boosto, missile barrage - it's all here. It features some tedious missions without your mech, but it's really fun otherwise.

This game is gorgeous, and would be even more gorgeous on next-gen platforms.

While the story a wee-bit generic, it was still a pleasure to experience. Most of it is told via com-chat, so you gotta pay attention at all times. I'd wish for full-blown cutscenes and more mech vs mech combat.


Already thinking of PS5 and  Xbox... Two... I see. Why don't you just get a gaming PC and be done with it?

If you had a Wii U you'd be getting 2 games from Platinum
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on February 03, 2014, 02:35:06 AM
Already thinking of PS5 and  Xbox... Two... I see.


Quote from: Hakudamashi on February 03, 2014, 02:35:06 AM
Why don't you just get a gaming PC and be done with it?

I'd like to own my stuff, thank you.

Quote from: Hakudamashi on February 03, 2014, 02:35:06 AM
If you had a Wii U you'd be getting 2 games from Platinum

I specfically called out XB1 and PS4 because of their power. Platinum could pull off some amazing graphical detail and actually have all that action running at fluid 60fps at crystal clear 1080p.

In terms of power the Wii U, quite frankly, is a joke.


Current Gen.
Current Gen.
Current Gen.
Current Gen.
Current Gen.
Current Gen.

Fucking current gen.
it's not Generation 7 anymore. Stop saying Next-gen.

Also, power is never a joke.

I wanna see a new HAWX game.


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on February 03, 2014, 04:17:51 AM
I specfically called out XB1 and PS4 because of their power. Platinum could pull off some amazing graphical detail and actually have all that action running at fluid 60fps at crystal clear 1080p.

In terms of power the Wii U, quite frankly, is a joke.
Then watch an action movie.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on February 03, 2014, 07:52:55 AM
Well, if you just wanna play a fun game, I really don't see why the power matters as long as it's optimised, Wonderful 101 runs at 60FPS no problem.

But if you're arguing that you just want visual flare, then watch an action movie.

Wanting to see a good game look better is nice n' all, but don't go calling the console trash. Imagine if we had this mentality all the time? The economy would collapse.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


The roof of the actual impact to graphical detail practically fell solid as the end of the 7th generation rolled past. The extra power brings alive large environments and self-contained physics for particles and such, but in the games where a solid performance most matters, you're usually fairly confined to a precise area. and none of that really becomes an issue.
I think the Wii U is about as good as it gets for those kinds of games, I'd only agree that the extra power is necessary when you want something huge.

But then I guess we can all just look back at X and even then the Wii U doesn't seem so technically challenged.


Quote from: Hakudamashi on February 03, 2014, 08:01:34 AM
Well, if you just wanna play a fun game, I really don't see why the power matters as long as it's optimised, Wonderful 101 runs at 60FPS no problem.

But if you're arguing that you just want visual flare, then watch an action movie.

Wanting to see a good game look better is nice n' all, but don't go calling the console trash. Imagine if we had this mentality all the time? The economy would collapse.

1) I did not say the console was trash
2) Imagine if everyone sit around and be like 'we dont need enhancements'. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me wanting to see a Platinum Game at 1080p, 60fps, and amazing graphics. No other developer has so much fast-paced action going on. It'd be amazing on a powerful next-generation system.


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on February 03, 2014, 08:21:15 AM
1) I did not say the console was trash
2) Imagine if everyone sit around and be like 'we dont need enhancements'. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me wanting to see a Platinum Game at 1080p, 60fps, and amazing graphics. No other developer has so much fast-paced action going on. It'd be amazing on a powerful next-generation system.
Sorry, I meant to say "Don't call it a joke"

I'm not saying we don't need enhancements, I'm saying think of people. All that flare costs money. The more pretty looking, the more expensive it is, why spend the extra money on something that won't be missed if the game is fun? If every dev team had to bleed cash to make their games the best looking thing ever, or else it's a "joke", that'll just make the sting of failure even more crushing.
Having pretty looking games is nice n' all, but I think it should come when the devs can afford to do so, as long as the game is fun.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on February 03, 2014, 08:27:43 AM
Sorry, I meant to say "Don't call it a joke"

I'm not saying we don't need enhancements, I'm saying think of people. All that flare costs money. The more pretty looking, the more expensive it is, why spend the extra money on something that won't be missed if the game is fun? If every dev team had to bleed cash to make their games the best looking thing ever, or else it's a "joke", that'll just make the sting of failure even more crushing.
Having pretty looking games is nice n' all, but I think it should come when the devs can afford to do so, as long as the game is fun.

I didnt call the Wii U a joke, i said the power of the Wii U is a joke.
That didnt stop the Wii, did it?

And the whole 'the prettier it is, the more expensive it is' is not entirely true - look at some of these indie games. They look way better than alot of AAA Games.

And, really... Don't bring money into to argument when talking about the Wii U...
You are well aware about how good games sell on Wii U.


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on February 03, 2014, 08:34:51 AM
I didnt call the Wii U a joke, i said the power of the Wii U is a joke.
That didnt stop the Wii, did it?

And the whole 'the prettier it is, the more expensive it is' is not entirely true - look at some of these indie games. They look way better than alot of AAA Games.

And, really... Don't bring money into to argument when talking about the Wii U...
You are well aware about how good games sell on Wii U.
The power of the Wii U allows 1080p, 60FPS games with little to no load times, I hardly think that classifies as a "joke".

You mean creating pretty art styles to make up for lower resolution and to cut costs? Yes, I think that's a practise that more companies should take advantage of.

I thought we were talking about Platinum Games...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on February 03, 2014, 09:08:49 AM
You mean creating pretty art styles to make up for lower resolution and to cut costs? Yes, I think that's a practise that more companies should take advantage of.


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on February 03, 2014, 09:24:57 AM
What? Those were made cheap?

Well, kingdom come has a kickstarter behind it.
The others are completely indie though - with the magic of proper planning and budgeting!
Amazing. Routine is only made by 3 people.

There also this game

^ Self-Funded, Will be 100% Free (No Microtransactions or anything).
Why? Simply because they wanted to do it.

And finally, Platinum is known for really intense graphics.