Steel Diver: Sub Wars

Started by Elija2, February 15, 2014, 08:50:54 PM

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Anyone else try it? It's Nintendo's first free-to-play game, if you can even call it that. It's more of a glorified demo. In the free version you get 2 subs, 2 single-player missions, and full access to the multiplayer. In the premium version you get almost all the subs (that you still have to unlock), all the single-player missions, and access to the shop where you can buy more subs. That's right, it's a free-to-play game but you need to buy the full version to access the microtransactions. Here's a graph explaining it:

Anyway, the game itself is alright. It's certainly different from most multiplayer games. It's a very slow game so you can't just go running-and-gunning (or whatever the submarine equivalent of that would be) in front of enemies or else you're gonna die. You have to be strategic in every move you make. Also, your only means of communicating with others is through Morse-code. There's even Morse-code chat rooms you can join where literally all you do is slowly chat with others in Morse-code.

Those of you with a 3DS might as well try it since it's free, although it seems like a niche game.

Oh, also Peppy from Starfox appears in it for some reason. He doesn't do anything though.


Are you able to scan the opponent's heat signature?


I'm not about that slow paced life-style
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: SmashFinale on February 15, 2014, 08:54:38 PM
Are you able to scan the opponent's heat signature?

No, you can only use sonar to find where enemies are.

Also, some of the multiplayer maps are pretty cool. There's one where you're in a fish tank, one where you're in a swimming pool, and one where you're in a hot spring.