Sonic and the Black Knight RP

Started by Light the Hedgehog, March 06, 2009, 03:52:55 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

King Arthur:...*for some reason looks like sonic*....whoa...

Sonic: so...that means that..I'M ROYALTY! YAY!!!!


Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: ahem...actually...*brings out a picutre of his mom (who is actually Queen Aleena the hedgehog)*


Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: this is a picutre of my mother! she's the queen of mobius! and King arthure is my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather!


Elana;...isent this just a story book?

Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: not exactly....some random dude named merlin was friends with King Arthur and wrote a book on him for some reason...and stuff...


elana:if only there were aliens here...

Light the Hedgehog

*this starts playing *

Pichu Bros.: *jumps on Elana* PICHU PICHU PICHU PICHU!


Light the Hedgehog

Pichu (older): pichu-pi! [hi, Elana!]

Pichu (younger): pichu pichu-pi? {how are ya doin'?]


Elana;im doing fine how about you guys?

Light the Hedgehog

Pichu (older): PICHU-PI! [we're doing fine!]

Pichu (younger): PICHU PICHU PICHU! [even though we got warped here for no specific reason!]

Pichu (older): pichu-pi! [and there was someone chasing us...i think his name was Dark Knight or something..]


Elana:..>.< OH one more is zim and amy doing?

Light the Hedgehog

Pichu (older):...pichu pichu....(we haven't seen them in a while..we don't know where tey are...)