Sonic and the Black Knight RP

Started by Light the Hedgehog, March 06, 2009, 03:52:55 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

me:...>:( ....*thinks*....hmm...I GOT IT! *builds a transporter capsule*...okay.this better fit all of us...*shoves us all in (including myself) and warps the capsule to mobius*


Light the Hedgehog

me: the warp hole should be here in three two one..*the capsule that we're in (apparently except me) gets sucked into the warp hole* OH WHAT THE F*CK?!


Light the Hedgehog

me:..ah, well...*warps to mobius using Chaos Control*


Light the Hedgehog

after we were all back at mobius...

me:...*is covered in smoke*


Elana:...what exploded this time?

Light the Hedgehog


Light the Hedgehog

me:..thanks Elana....i owe you one...


Light the Hedgehog


Amy:..uhhh why are we here still?

Light the Hedgehog

me: this is present day mobisus....the place we were in was past-day mobius..