Sonic and the Black Knight RP

Started by Light the Hedgehog, March 06, 2009, 03:52:55 PM

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OOC:knight of the night is secret untill the middel of teh rp...soo dis is all her first..k

knight of the night:..ughhh i hate sleeping agenst tree..

Light the Hedgehog

me and Sonic:....*we both wake up a few miles away from where the knight of the Dark is*...ugh.....what happend? where are we?


Knight of the night:huh...looks like someones in troble.

OOC:..shadow,blaze,and knuckels work for teh dark night...

wach dis..:

Light the Hedgehog


KIght of the night:...shadow...knuckels,,blaze..*falls on knees* ...NO  I WONT LET THIS HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!*gets back up* *runs to the dark night*

Light the Hedgehog

OOC:ummm.....we're in the book of King Arthur so let me lay down anoter rule: there is NO eggman robots.

Princessofthechaosemerald they wernt it was...KNIGHTS GET IT!!

Knight of the Night:...DARK NIGHT..SHOW YOUR SELF!!(you can here that in the outer limits of space)

Light the Hedgehog

OOC: this RP is set in the world of King Arthur where there is NO electricity what-so-ever, ben the dumb*ss


Knight of the Night:....hmm *screams: I SAYED SHOW YOUR SELF YOU COWARD (dark night)

Light the Hedgehog

me: *sees Calibur* I CALL DIBS ON THAT SWORD! *gets it out of the stone it's in*

Sonic: aw, mang.....*sees another sword**picks it up*

Light the Hedgehog

me and Sonic: TAKE THIS! *we both nearly kill the Knigth of the Dark*


OOC;oops sorry havent told you my wepons...
Sword:Chaos sword..only weld by knight of the night
Armor.gloves,mask:chaos protection..the mask is the obstical of finding out who she is...
tho cannot be taken off by anyone

Kight of the night:...hmm caword...

Light the Hedgehog

me and Sonic: *we dodge Ben's attack because we're THAT fast*


ELana:...*gose to kings castle*...wheres the kings soldgers...


OOC:umm im faster than all of you...

Kight of the NIght:....*looks around*