5 Video Game Males that Haku Likes

Started by Hakudamashi, September 24, 2014, 04:11:46 AM

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Jude Mathis:Tales of Xillia
A self aware goody-two-shoes. Helping out folks is nice, but that doesn't mean you're a nice guy all the time. Most RPG heroes' personalities start and stop at "Help all the people", But Jude's a little more two-faced than that, guy knows how to be a jerk, and more importantly when to be a jerk. Having a not-gruff protagonist who's dialogue can go beyond "We do the right thing, always" means that I don't tune him out whenever he speaks, which is very helpful when playing a game that goes on for hours.
It also helps that he's aware of what's going on in the world, so rarely does a conversation have to stop dead in it's tracks to explain shit to him, in fact, he's the one doing the explaining, and as a result exposition can happen during the skits that I don't gotta listen to.

Sonic the Hedgehog:Sonic Franchise(2005-2010)
Yes, I am specifically talking about the Jason Griffith era, more commonly known as "The Dark Age of Sonic". This, and the SatAM iterations are the only ones where I care about Sonic as a character.
His character description says he's "A hedgehog with an attitude, but also a heart of gold" or whatever, and I think that characterisation was captured best during this time. He's got an attitude, the first to make light of the situation, he's sarcastic and doesn't respect authority, and for the most part goes through life without a care in the world, but at the same time, he knows when responsibility should kick in, even if it disrupts his freedom. He doesn't dehumanise those around him, no matter how big a dick he/she is, he values all of his relationships, and also exercises empathy.
He's free to go wherever he wants, whenever he wants, but it willing to stop whatever he's doing to do the right thing, not cause it's his job or something, but cause he wants to.
Also, he says the corniest shit and I love it.

Sephiroth:Final Fantasy 7
His life was golden, he fucked all the bitches, acquired all the moneyz, he was da bess at wat he did, and laughed at the manhood at all the dweebs that weren't as cool as him, but still humble enough to do a bro a solid, and was quite the light hearted dude. But then he learned the truth, the truth called, DESPAIR.
Not only did he learn he was a test tube baby, but also that the people of which he was created from, were all eradicated due to much abuse by these people he's come to know as brothers. And what did he decide to do? He made a plan, to find a special magics, to make the planet shit itself, that's amazing. How many people do you know scare a planet shitless? Then, he's gonna stand in the middle of said shit, and become God of the new world, and abolish racism. Y'see, he was on a mission from God.
And even when this holy mission drove him to the point of a psychopathic breakdown, and he stopped talking sense, he still carried out his mission with the utmost efficiency, by spooking the fuck out of everyone, and killing the only one who could stop him.
And also he can cut people without leaving scratches, he'd be the perfect serial killer.

Mario:Mario Franchise
He's willing to go through snow, desserts, volcanoes, and all kinds of traps and montrosities, even across galaxies to save his not-girlfriend. And he'll do it everytime, all the time, no matter what, without complaint, not because he has to, but cause he wants to, cause she matters that much to him.
That kicks all kinds of ass.

Ryu:Street Fighter Fanchise

He's a man who's problems have nothing to do with money or women, that in itself is a feat. But he's also a really, really, pleasant human being, always with the words of encouragement, and treats everyone with respect, and takes everyone seriously, age be damned. He also knows a totally approachable and calm dude that can also effeciently kick all of the ass.
Satsui no wha? What is that? Can I eat it?

I was planning to make 10, but goddamn, fuck typing.
But anywho, on a side note, I also wanted to play a little game with this list. Judging from my descriptions, what do you guys thing the order would be if it were ranked in descending order, #1 being the "best".
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!



There's alot of things about me you don't know.

But no, I'm not bisexual.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!

Meme Master Flex

Quote from: Hakudamashi on September 24, 2014, 04:42:12 AM
There's alot of things about me you don't know.

But no, I'm not bisexual.

Yeah, you're Bishrekual


Let me guess...

#5 is Mario
#4 is Ryu
#3 is Jude
#2 is Sephiroth
#1 is Sonic


Quote from: Celery on September 24, 2014, 04:44:22 AM
Yeah, you're Bishrekual
Get out.

Quote from: Elija2 on September 24, 2014, 05:42:24 AM
Let me guess...

#5 is Mario
#4 is Ryu
#3 is Jude
#2 is Sephiroth
#1 is Sonic
Close, but no.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!

Meme Master Flex


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!