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Civilization: Online

Started by shadowDOESrock, November 22, 2014, 03:55:29 AM

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Quote from: Elija2 on November 22, 2014, 02:24:51 PM
And also because it's being developed by some random Korean company and was made for the Asian market.

What's that supposed to mean? How is that a reason to hate a game?


Quote from: Crystal Candy on November 22, 2014, 01:16:14 PM
that the Music "belongs to Lion King
I guess they never played Civ 4, the poor souls.


Quote from: Crystal Candy on November 23, 2014, 01:02:43 AM
What's that supposed to mean? How is that a reason to hate a game?

Because it's an MMO cashgrab made by a cruddy developer.


Quote from: Elija2 on November 23, 2014, 09:47:28 AM
Because it's an MMO cashgrab made by a cruddy developer.

Cashgrab? It doesnt look like any MMO before it, the Soundtrack is fantastic, and the graphics are wonderful.

Cruddy? These developers used to be part of NCSoft; though the first game of this new studio, ArcheAge, wasn't mindblowingly good or anything.

How are they cruddy? Because they're new?

Are you one of those people that just hates on things?


This game was specifically made for the South Korean market because F2P MMOs with a million microtransactions do really well there. If 2K actually cared about it they'd develop it in-house and release it worldwide. This game was clearly only made so they can nickel-and-dime Korean players.

Quote from: Crystal Candy on November 23, 2014, 10:14:07 AM
Are you one of those people that just hates on things?

I thought you knew me, man!


Quote from: Elija2 on November 23, 2014, 10:32:32 AM
This game was specifically made for the South Korean market because F2P MMOs with a million microtransactions do really well there. If 2K actually cared about it they'd develop it in-house and release it worldwide. This game was clearly only made so they can nickel-and-dime Korean players.

Well, why would you not try to bring a succesful franchise into a market and change it accordingly? It's even doing unique things. It's not like they play anything else but online games there.


Quote from: Crystal Candy on November 23, 2014, 10:42:59 AM
Well, why would you not try to bring a succesful franchise into a market and change it accordingly? It's even doing unique things. It's not like they play anything else but online games there.

"Let's bring our successful franchise to a new market (as if Civilization isn't popular in Korea) and change things up."

"Let's make it a free-to-play MMO like everything else in said market."

And I'm sure whatever unique things they're doing is just to make it easier to sell people microtransactions.


Quote from: Elija2 on November 23, 2014, 10:51:31 AM
"Let's bring our successful franchise to a new market (as if Civilization isn't popular in Korea) and change things up."

"Let's make it a free-to-play MMO like everything else in said market."

And I'm sure whatever unique things they're doing is just to make it easier to sell people microtransactions.

It's not like the main series is any better


I'd say it's a lot better since all of that stuff is optional and the game doesn't tempt you to buy any of them. Plus the two expansion packs actually do add a good amount of new content.


Quote from: Elija2 on November 23, 2014, 01:59:41 PM
I'd say it's a lot better since all of that stuff is optional and the game doesn't tempt you to buy any of them. Plus the two expansion packs actually do add a good amount of new content.

If you finish Civ 5 now, you get a button that says buy Beyond Earth to continue.

The last two korean games I've played were Guild Wars 2 and Tera Online from NCSoft and Bluehole (also ex-NCSoft guys) respectivly. GW2 had the best MMO Model i've ever experienced, and Tera Online has the best F2P Model i've ever experienced. You're way too pessimistic.


Beyond Earth is an entirely new game though, and there's nothing wrong with advertising it. Most F2P MMOs make playing for free a terrible experience until you start paying for a bunch of stuff.

And technically Guild Wars 2 was developed by an American company, it was only published by a Korean company. Either way, those are only exceptions to the general rule. Do you know how many Korean-developed F2P MMOs are out there? A shitload, and very few of them are even worth talking about, let alone playing.


Quote from: Elija2 on November 23, 2014, 02:12:59 PM
Beyond Earth is an entirely new game though, and there's nothing wrong with advertising it. Most F2P MMOs make playing for free a terrible experience until you start paying for a bunch of stuff.

And technically Guild Wars 2 was developed by an American company, it was only published by a Korean company. Either way, those are only exceptions to the general rule. Do you know how many Korean-developed F2P MMOs are out there? A shitload, and very few of them are even worth talking about, let alone playing.

It's arguable wether Beyond Earth truly is a new game or not, but that's another topic.

You could say the same about western F2P Games. Hell, you could say that about anything F2P period.

Korean Games have greatly improved (outside of Nexon, because Nexon) in the last couple years. You're probably just throwing them all in a group, and not actually have played any. Most of the games announced at G-Star in the last two or thee years look way better than any western MMO.

And, also, the studio behind GW2 is owned by NCSoft. They call the shots.


Quote from: Crystal Candy on November 23, 2014, 02:36:05 PM
You could say the same about western F2P Games. Hell, you could say that about anything F2P period.

Maybe I could. The point is that most F2P MMOs suck and the fact that this one is solely targeting the Korean market means that it's probably gonna suck too.


Quote from: Elija2 on November 23, 2014, 10:51:31 AM
"Let's bring our successful franchise to a new market (as if Civilization isn't popular in Korea) and change things up."

Also, not sure if this is sarcasm or not, but Civilization games don't get released outside the west.

Quote from: Elija2 on November 23, 2014, 02:41:47 PM
Maybe I could. The point is that most F2P MMOs suck and the fact that this one is solely targeting the Korean market means that it's probably gonna suck too.

Why so pessimisitc?
