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Started by Hakudamashi, December 15, 2014, 02:35:05 PM

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Wind Waker HD, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Darksiders 2, and others say fuck you

Putting the stupid HUD and map on the second screen was such an improvement to me, not only was it more immersive cause the TV screen was clear, but with the map right there with me all the time, it cutted out all the fucking stop and start pausing. I didn't even know how much I wanted this.
Every port I got on the Wii U cause of the second screen, but then the ports stopped.

And also the Off-TV play feature is great when friends and or family come over.

The Wii U gamepad is one of my personal favourite innovations in gaming, and seeing no one else even attempting this and casting it away as some cheap gimmick tears away at my heart.
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Why would you want the HUD and map on a separate screen when you have to keep looking down to see them? It makes it harder to check them at a glance because you have to take your eyes off of the action. Is that really better than having a HUD on the edges of the screen, especially in an HD game? On the DS it works because the screens are so close to each other, but on the Wii U it probably becomes an annoyance.

Microsoft tried to do the same thing with Smart Glass but nobody cared about it, probably due to the same inconvenience.

Is it worth the extra $100 on the Wii U's price tag?


Quote from: Elija2 on June 19, 2015, 02:41:13 PM
Why would you want the HUD and map on a separate screen when you have to keep looking down to see them? It makes it harder to check them at a glance because you have to take your eyes off of the action. Is that really better than having a HUD on the edges of the screen, especially in an HD game? On the DS it works because the screens are so close to each other, but on the Wii U it probably becomes an annoyance.
Why would you need to look at the map or anything during the action? When you're in a fight, you should be focusing on your opponent, the HUD is a distraction to me. Anytime I look at the map, it's during a point where I'm safe to stay still, y'know, like when normal people would look at a map. There is no information on a HUD that I need all the time, with the exception of maybe ammunition, but games like Resident Evil Revelations just show you the ammo count while you're aiming, and there are many visual ways of representing amount of health, by making the screen red, or your character showing pain.

I do think it's worth the extra $100, yes.
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Well in games like Mario Kart it's important to be able to easily look at the map, and in pretty much every game it's important to be able to see your health. Making the screen red or showing your character in pain wouldn't be helpful for shit in games like Monster Hunter.

And you haven't even mentioned any good uses for it gameplay-wise. There are a ton of DS games that incorporate the second touch screen into the gameplay in a significant way, but the only games that do that on the Wii U are minigame collections and maybe Zombi U. A minor convenience shouldn't be a CV console's gimmick.


It's not important to me in Mario Kart, I just learned the track, and not having a minimap on the screen makes it all the better to take in the visuals.
And I don't need to see my health in Monster Hunter, when you get hit by a monster, the animation for which you get knocked back and get back up is more than long enough for you to simply look down and see if you're still ok enough or need to use a recovery item, and it's also easy to tell when your stamina has decreased and need to eat more meat, and even then, you're running for such long periods of time, it's an insignificant feat to simply look down to see if it's decreased.

Good use for it was in Wonderful 101, or Pikmin 3, and Fatal Frame from what I've seen seems to be another one, but that's a matter of opinion.
And it is a major convenience to me thank you very much. Playing games on other consoles have genuinely annoyed me afterwards, but at least I've gotten over it.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on June 19, 2015, 03:10:26 PM
It's not important to me in Mario Kart, I just learned the track, and not having a minimap on the screen makes it all the better to take in the visuals.
And I don't need to see my health in Monster Hunter, when you get hit by a monster, the animation for which you get knocked back and get back up is more than long enough for you to simply look down and see if you're still ok enough or need to use a recovery item, and it's also easy to tell when your stamina has decreased and need to eat more meat, and even then, you're running for such long periods of time, it's an insignificant feat to simply look down to see if it's decreased.

Good use for it was in Wonderful 101, or Pikmin 3, and Fatal Frame from what I've seen seems to be another one, but that's a matter of opinion.
And it is a major convenience to me thank you very much. Playing games on other consoles have genuinely annoyed me afterwards, but at least I've gotten over it.

The minimap in Mario Kart is important so you can see what place everyone else is and how far/close they are to you. And don't tell me that you can just quickly look down to see the minimap because in Mario Kart you have to keep your eyes on the screen at all times. Even Nintendo knew they messed up and patched MK8 so you can put the minimap on the TV.

And no, you can't take your eyes off of the screen for a second in Monster Hunter either. Imagine having to keep looking down every time you get hit by a monster to check your health? My neck is killing me just thinking about it.

I'm pretty sure Pikmin 3 was best played with a Wiimote and Nunchuk, but I'll give you the other two. Still, that's what, 5 good games that make good use of the Gamepad? I'm sure there's a few more eShop games that make good use of it, but it's pretty sad that even Nintendo isn't thinking up good uses for it anymore other than Starfox.

Would you be upset if Nintendo's next handheld doesn't have a 3D screen?


Quote from: Elija2 on June 19, 2015, 03:32:02 PM
The minimap in Mario Kart is important so you can see what place everyone else is and how far/close they are to you.
That information is not important to me at all. I just drive to the best of my ability and what happens, happens.
It's good that the minimap is optional, but I for one don't need it.

Quote from: Elija2 on June 19, 2015, 03:32:02 PM
And no, you can't take your eyes off of the screen for a second in Monster Hunter either. Imagine having to keep looking down every time you get hit by a monster to check your health? My neck is killing me just thinking about it.
Not every time you get hit obviously. You should look and analyse how much damage a monster does to you on the first hit and then check periodically after it hits you X amount of times, or just don't get hit.
I'm the Monster Hunter n00b around these parts and I figured that.

Quote from: Elija2 on June 19, 2015, 03:32:02 PM
I'm pretty sure Pikmin 3 was best played with a Wiimote and Nunchuk,
Personally, I like Gamepad+Stylus the best.

Quote from: Elija2 on June 19, 2015, 03:32:02 PM
5 good games that make good use of the Gamepad?
Quality over quantity.
I'd rather they only do it if they're actually confident about it, and not just shit them out going "LOOK AT ALL DE THINGS THE GAMEPAD CAN DO"
That shit painted a bad image for motion controls, the Kinect, and forced devs to just give up on them and other game devices and ideas that could've given us great experiences if people just gave a shit and weren't so eager to just go back to the comfort zone.

Quote from: Elija2 on June 19, 2015, 03:32:02 PM
Would you be upset if Nintendo's next handheld doesn't have a 3D screen?
I'd be dissapointed, but not upset.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on June 19, 2015, 03:49:50 PM
Not every time you get hit obviously. You should look and analyse how much damage a monster does to you on the first hit and then check periodically after it hits you X amount of times, or just don't get hit.
I'm the Monster Hunter n00b around these parts and I figured that.

But you don't know how much damage a monster will do to you because each attack does different damage, and keeping track of the damage that each move does is insane. And for what, so that you don't have a tiny health bar on the edge of your screen?

Quote from: Hakudamashi on June 19, 2015, 03:49:50 PM
Quality over quantity.
I'd rather they only do it if they're actually confident about it, and not just shit them out going "LOOK AT ALL DE THINGS THE GAMEPAD CAN DO"
That shit painted a bad image for motion controls, the Kinect, and forced devs to just give up on them and other game devices and ideas that could've given us great experiences if people just gave a shit and weren't so eager to just go back to the comfort zone.

Well they clearly weren't confident about it but they made it the expensive centerpiece of their console anyway. The games that fully utilize the Gamepad aren't even that great (NintendoLand and Game & Wario?), so they've got neither quality nor quantity.

If Nintendo's next console and handheld shared the same game library, would you still buy both?


Quote from: Elija2 on June 19, 2015, 04:09:27 PM
But you don't know how much damage a monster will do to you because each attack does different damage, and keeping track of the damage that each move does is insane. And for what, so that you don't have a tiny health bar on the edge of your screen?
Well you and I clearly play Monster Hunter differently
Well, played, I don't play it anymore, so this conversation is pretty pointless.

Quote from: Elija2 on June 19, 2015, 04:09:27 PM
Well they clearly weren't confident about it but they made it the expensive centerpiece of their console anyway. The games that fully utilize the Gamepad aren't even that great (NintendoLand and Game & Wario?), so they've got neither quality nor quantity.
Well that's just your opinion now isn't it?

Quote from: Elija2 on June 19, 2015, 04:09:27 PM
If Nintendo's next console and handheld shared the same game library, would you still buy both?
I like how you just assume I'm interested in getting it at all.

But to answer your question, I probably would. Depends on the library.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on June 19, 2015, 04:16:03 PM
I like how you just assume I'm interested in getting it at all.

Why would I not assume that?


Beats me, I dunno how you think.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!



Single player? Maybe later tonight
Multiplayer? No.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Because I want to beat Helena and Ada's campaigns first.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!