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Started by Hakudamashi, December 15, 2014, 02:35:05 PM

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You'd buy DLC that makes girl characters naked? You know we're talking young schoolgirls here.


That hasn't stopped me before.
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So sexualized children turn you on?


But it happens often enough to warrant a "yes".
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And you don't think that's bad?


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Dude... come on... being sexually attracted to children is like the dictionary definition of pedophilia. You seriously think its fine for games (or any media) to sexualize little girls?


I thought it's only a problem if they actually commited the act of rape on a little girl,  or anyone for that matter.

It's a crime to think certain things now? You gonna report me and have me arrested?

Besides, are you suggesting that sexual arousal is voluntary? That one can choose whether to be aroused by ass or titties?

And I'm sure by now you should know my answer is yes, content creators should be allowed to create what they want.
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I think most pedophiles even know that being a pedophile is a bad thing. Just because you can't help having pedophilic thoughts doesn't mean you should be encouraging those thoughts by consuming content that sexualizes children.

Yes, obviously game companies are allowed to do it, but do you seriously think it's fine that they do it? I guess you also think it's totally fine if game companies release buggy or incomplete games with tons of microtransactions and charge large amounts of money for a scant amount of new content because it's what they want.


Quote from: Elija2 on August 30, 2015, 10:56:48 AM
I think most pedophiles even know that being a pedophile is a bad thing. Just because you can't help having pedophilic thoughts doesn't mean you should be encouraging those thoughts by consuming content that sexualizes children.
That's nice.

Quote from: Elija2 on August 30, 2015, 10:56:48 AM
Yes, obviously game companies are allowed to do it, but do you seriously think it's fine that they do it? I guess you also think it's totally fine if game companies release buggy or incomplete games with tons of microtransactions and charge large amounts of money for a scant amount of new content because it's what they want.
Sure, they can, if they want to, and if people buy it then even more so.

But I'm not into it, so I don't spend money on it.
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Quote from: Hakudamashi on August 30, 2015, 11:01:35 AM
Sure, they can, if they want to, and if people buy it then even more so.

But I'm not into it, so I don't spend money on it.

You don't see how the widespread adoption of those practices could be harmful to the games industry as a whole?


I dunno about it being harmful or not, what I do know is that I don't like it.

What I do like are love stories where a tough guy saves a weak woman and they live happily ever after, but most people say those stories are harmful to video games, so what do I know?
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Games with microtransactions are inherently inferior because they are designed to make you want to pay for the microtransactions. That means deliberately compromising the game's design to encourage people to buy something that'll make things more fun for them. So even if you "just ignore the microtransactions", you're still getting an inferior game and once other publishers see the low-effort money that can be made they'll start adding microtransactions to their games as well. It's not just F2P games that have them anymore; full-priced games are including them now.

DLC isn't inherently bad, but there's growing trends of developers seemingly cutting content from the main game to sell as DLC, encouraging people to blindly buy Season Passes that end up being underwhelming, and releasing low-effort DLC that costs way more than their worth. (that GalGun DLC that makes the girls naked costs around $80 USD by the way). Again, this is a practice that many publishers are adopting so "avoiding it" isn't really an option.

Do you really think we should be passively encouraging this stuff by "just ignoring it" when it's only hurting ourselves?


I fail to see how ignoring them is encouraging it.

It's a thing because people are buying it, and the devs have made their decision on the kind of company they want to keep around.
We still have developers who prefer the company of the other guys, like me, who make "full" games with no microtransactions and whatever, like Atlus, and it's not like there's few of them either.
Just keep supporting and buying the things you like and stop concerning yourself with what everyone else is doing, you'll drive yourself mad.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


By ignoring them you're basically telling publishers "Go ahead with the microtransactions, we don't mind." If they think they can get away with it, they will.

Publishers can't profit off of whales alone; they need the general gaming populace to buy their games as well. They're essentially trying to have their cake and eat it too; they want the whales who buy tons of microtransactions, but they also want the majority of gamers who don't buy any. They think that they can include microtransactions without scaring off too many people. If there was a huge backlash amongst general gamers then publishers would reconsider because they need them more than they need the whales.

Shin Megami Tensei IV had DLC that basically made the entire game trivially easy so Atlus is hardly innocent either. And as I said, these practices will only continue to spread among publishers once they see the profit that can be made.

And I'm not driving myself mad, I'm advocating improvement. I don't get why you think people should just deal with it and not try to change things.