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Elanas daughter

Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, March 14, 2009, 03:08:39 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

Rogue: *morphs into duct tape and attatches slef to Amy's mouth*


Amy:.*takes duck tape off mouth* ....oo im soo smart...get a life you guys...seriously..*gose to the irken town*

Elana;...i wonder whats worng...

Light the Hedgehog

Rogue: i dunno..but i'm gonna find out..*moprhs into Perry the Platypus*...*chatter* [she'll never ecognize me like this!]


Amy:.....*sees perry*..not in the mood perry...really..*walks away*

Elana:.....shadow im a little worried

Light the Hedgehog

Rogue *disguised as perry*:...(oh, COME ON!..hmm....ha! i got it! since the real pichu bros aren't here...) *morphs into the Pichu Bros.*


Amy:..not in the mood pichu bros.....

Light the Hedgehog

Rogue *disuised as the pichu bros*: *insert cute face here*


Amy:....*walks to the highest hill in irk*

Light the Hedgehog

Rogue:....*sigh*....i guess i better aproach as my normal self...*morphs into his normal slef*....*walks over to where Amy is*


Amy;*knocks rouge all the way to her house*

OOC:lol the hill is on the other side of irk....the castle is on the oposite side in other words..her house is far away from the hill :P

Light the Hedgehog

Rogue:....*goes down a warp pipe (lol, super mario brothers) and pops up behind amy*....


Amy:.*in an evil way*..rouge..leave me the F*ck alone

Light the Hedgehog

Rogue:...hey, don't you realize it yet? by acting this way for the rest of your life you would restart the Irken-Chaos Demon war...and i should know..i was in one 2,000 years ago...


Amy:..then go away so it wont happen....*dress and eyes turn black*

Light the Hedgehog

Rogue: OKAY! JEEZ! *morphs into a snake and slithers away*