Super Smash bros brawl WTF?!

Started by skyrus5150, April 27, 2009, 02:03:40 AM

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Eeeeeddddd d d dd


Quote from: kilerdad on May 11, 2009, 09:29:06 PM
its is plus  i only got 4 sonic games on my PS2 and computer 2 good sonic games T_T the games are sonic gems collection, sonic uleashed and sonic riders 1 and zero gravity plus i have a game borrowed from my friend but it dosent count


Well, Obviusly if Sonic is in it they have to be working together in some kind of epic mega ultra colab...But they should have atleasted made Sonic come out a little earlyer in the game  :-\.



Yeah Skyle You are saying exactly my thoughts.

Eeeeeddddd d d dd


Quote from: xaio on May 03, 2009, 11:21:03 AM
LISTEN UP!!! i red the furst page, not the second(screw the second page), and MARIO IS THE REASON SONIC IS HERE!!! listen, SEGA was bored one day, and made sonic and mario rivals, k?? so, this is SEGA'S  you hear me???

S-E-G-A-'-S - F-A-U-L-Tyou hearin me???so stop bitchin plz, not to be mean, but srsly, snake came in like, towards the middle( or somewere) and lucario found his konami ass, but the konami fans didn't scream about it. sonic is f*kin awesome, so they sed " WAT IF SONIC COMES IN AT THE END??!!!!THAT'S WOULD BE PWNING AWESOM!!!so you better be happy they consider sonic the fast mario, or else my life would suck, and i wuld not be writing this k?? BE F*KIN HAPPY MARIO'S JUST HERE!!
Actually, SEGA didn't make the rivalry. (And, no, Sonic Team didn't either.)
The Sonic/Mario rivalry was started by the fans.
But yes, the reason that Sonic is here because of Mario.
Time: Late 1980's
Setting: The video game Market. SEGA and Nintendo are the only real competitors at this point and Nintendo is sweeping the market. SEGA wasn't doing too well with their first mascot (being Alex Kidd) so they decided to push another project (being the Sonic games) to the front.
It was a fairly large gamble on SEGA's part because if this experiment is successful, then they have a new weapon against the big N. If it bombs, SEGA's spot in the industry could go with it.
As for Sonic coming in so late in SSE, this is from the Smash Brothers Wiki (the original page has links to the sources).

"Sakurai stated that he did not want to emphasize Japan-only characters; in Brawl's cast, only Marth and Lucas have not appeared outside of Japan (with the exception of Marth in Melee). Sakurai also stated there would be no more than three third-party characters; these characters were Snake and Sonic. The inclusion of Konami-created character Solid Snake may seem to conflict with the Super Smash Bros. paradigm — to only include characters from games made by Nintendo and its second parties — but Sakurai said Hideo Kojima "practically begged" for Snake to be included in Melee, which did not happen because the game was too far in development. This in turn led to his appearance in the following game instead. Similarly, Lucas from Mother 3 was intended to be used in Melee, but was left out because Mother 3 was delayed.

Japanese fans were asked to submit their desired characters and musical themes via a forum on the game's official Japanese site, with some possibly appearing in the game. Likewise, fans from other countries were asked to submit ideas on Nintendo's official forums.

Suggestions were no longer being taken as of June 9, 2006. In August 2006, Sakurai and Miyamoto stated that Nintendo was negotiating rights to other third-party characters. The most requested third-party character, Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog, was announced to be in the game on October 10, 2007."

That information can be found here:
Discussion of Sonic's popularity:
Fan-Filled Roster:
The whole wiki article:

If they were lobbying for rights from SEGA/Sonic Team, it could have taken a while to get Sonic in the game.
I guess you're right. It is SEGA's fault that Sonic is so late in SSE.
Sig attempt #7!

I am the Knight of Bright Blue Test Tube Sentient Beings! In your Face!
a-lad wuz here :P


Soo... Sonic Is their because of sonics fanss?

Eeeeeddddd d d dd

Super Empra

Quote from: kilerdad on May 14, 2009, 11:42:11 PM
Soo... Sonic Is their because of sonics fanss?

And because nintendo listen to their fans unlike sonic team.

If you're reading this, your a NOOB!!!


So... Sonic Team is the bad guy in here?

Eeeeeddddd d d dd


Quote from: kilerdad on May 15, 2009, 05:02:51 AM
So... Sonic Team is the bad guy in here?
its starting to look like it


Eeeeeddddd d d dd


Quote from: kilerdad on May 15, 2009, 05:02:51 AM
So... Sonic Team is the bad guy in here?
Wait, what?
I think that you guys lost me...
Sig attempt #7!

I am the Knight of Bright Blue Test Tube Sentient Beings! In your Face!
a-lad wuz here :P


Eeeeeddddd d d dd


I say that because the conversation between you, jeexx, and Super Empra makes little or no sense to me anymore.
Explain, please.
Sig attempt #7!

I am the Knight of Bright Blue Test Tube Sentient Beings! In your Face!
a-lad wuz here :P



Eeeeeddddd d d dd

nazo unleashed

Quote from: Super Empra on April 27, 2009, 06:22:38 AM
WHY THE F*CK ARE U WHINING? Konami begged for snake to be in that game. You should be grateful that sonic is even playable.
YEA TRUE THEY DID but they (no lie) actulay begged for ryu and ken to be in there.