Your fav Pokemon

Started by ChaosDazer, April 29, 2009, 06:27:48 AM

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i also forgot,PIKACHUUUU! :D


wow, my friends and I talk about this everyday at lunch, I don't know why

General Echidna

I like my little Bulbasuur. So cute!
If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, who practices?


Chamander, Totodile, Treeko, and Chimchar



My favorite is Vulpix. Maybe because the first exposure I ever had to Pokemon was going to KFC and seeing this:

It was the first Pokemon I ever saw, and it's been my favorite ever since. :3
(I still have that thing, by the way.)


Quote from: TheGameNinja on December 01, 2009, 08:02:56 AM
My favorite is Vulpix. Maybe because the first exposure I ever had to Pokemon was going to KFC and seeing this:

It was the first Pokemon I ever saw, and it's been my favorite ever since. :3
(I still have that thing, by the way.)
That's pretty badass<3
My first pokemon toy was a Sandslash, and it's STILL in my Top 3<3

Super Sonic Boom

Now...I have to go with MUDKIP!

So I heard you liek mudkips?!? XD


Quote from: Dracoslythe on December 01, 2009, 11:01:20 AM
That's pretty badass<3
My first pokemon toy was a Sandslash, and it's STILL in my Top 3<3
Cool, I've never been called badass before. 8)

Second favorite, by the way, would be a three-way-tie between Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard. My Blue Version one's name was Charman. Clever, eh? XD


Giratina's Origin Form!


First try at making a sig, It's decent.


My favourite pokemon is Pikachu. :P

Chaos Swissroll





my fav pokemon would have to be!!!!

Post Merge: December 18, 2009, 03:12:35 PM

just before i forget that were on a POKEMON topic "i herd u like mudkipz!!"


Sonic adventure 2 battle +Sonic Adventure DX ARE THE BEST SONIC GAMES EVER!



However I like all water/Ground types. :)