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the return of Scourge

Started by HereAndThere, May 02, 2009, 08:50:04 PM

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turbo:thanks  ;D OOC:yeah im in school and now when its lunch break i can be 15 minutes for the next brake  ;D


turbo:....okay Sonic:lets go to the base jeexx:shit i already got to my hyper form when xeexx freaking fleed SHIT IM GONNA KICK HES ASS SOON!!!!!!


sonic:thanks ben......huh?! *epic music i am all of me* anti-shadow:HMPH! you may have defeated those guys but not me *flash* anti-oblivion and shadow:YOUR GOING DOWN!!!!! OOC:i gotta go to school bye ill be online at 9:45 (in school) and then ill go home at 11:55 so see ya soon (plz stay online)


anti-shadow:DIE!!!!!! *shoots out shadow clones* C-S:DIE!!!


anti-shdaow: :o A-oblivion:*thinking* (where the heck is he he has to be some where near by i can feel hes presens) oblivion:looking for me! (on antis head) anti-oblivion:HOW IN THE WORLD......... *oblivion bangs with hes big bang kick that explodes when hits*


anti-shadow:HMPH! FOOLS I AM THE ULTIMATE LIFE FORM!!!! *blast from behind*  ???:WANNA BET!!!!!!!!!
anti-oblivion:hes got amazing skills! im outta here oblivion control!!!!


 ???:HMPH! id like to ask the same guestion who are you? sonic:i think i know who he is aint that right shadow?


 ???:stop it!!! *telekenisis thorws ben in to the air*


silver:YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!!! *takes out a huge emerald* supa silva!!!!!!!! shadow:*chaos balst*I TOLD YOU DONT COME TO THE F*CKING WAY silver:i was bored okay!



Can I RP too? It's so boring with no RP...

My characters:
1. Me:
Name: Silva Motziu [s?lva: mo:tsi:u]
Age: 13
Look:  *
Weakness: My powers are very weak
Powers: Telekinessis (very weak) and Telepaty (I need completly silence to do it)
Species: Human with dog DNA (more human than dog :P)

Anti-Silva char:
Name: Sam Brauss [sa:m vraw:ds]
Age: 14
Look:  *
Weakness: he's snesitive, and gets rather angry
Power:  Electricity, when he's angry, an atomic bomb like blow that knocks out anyone near by
Species: Human with gopher DNA (more human than gopher :P)
Reason: He went a little mad, and now thinks I was never his friend >_>

2. My pal:
Name: Sony Brauss  [ so:ni:  vraw:ds]
Age: 14
Look:  *
Weakness: like a normal man
Power: Super speeds
Species: Human with gopher dna (more man than gopher)

Anti-Sony char:
Name: Lula Trapt [lu:la: tra:pt]
Look:  *
Weakness: like normal man
Power: she has gloves that enable her to fire lasers
Species: human with hedgehog DNA (more human)
Reason: she thinks Sony left her, breaking her hearth

OOC: *all looks are included in this picture, but clothes tend to be diffrent, (who wears teh same clothes all the time >_>) I am the one at the very right playing keyboards, Sam is the voice-singer (male), Sony is the blue guy on the very left and Lula's the voice singer (female); and being more human, only the outer look makes them wierd,  they are in human puberty, just not me

OOC: after you say if I'm in or not I'm going to make my first post with the FC (roleplay)
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^



silver:okay sonic:*gets up starts running towards the base* Scourge:you won this time sonic but you aint gonna win the next time! *antis appear* Scourge:and you you failed so hard against one puny hedgehog that i have beaten up over seventy times now HMPH! take these jewels those will grant you new powers! anti-shadow:*thinks* (if he has beaten that hedgehog over seventy times why wont h battle?!)xeexx and wonic (shorter for anti sonic thats what i named him when i wanted to make my dark chaos hate sonic and love shadow and rouge):excellent! now we can kick sonics and jeexxes ass!!! OOC:im gonna make it clear now that you dont need to ask me whats going on so the antis went back to Scourge and now they were given the shadows of the chaos emeralds called shadow emeralds so now they have more power and skill to try to beat us up


silver:weeeellll cuz i didnt come in time to get her to our date she dumped me thats why i was bored and came here. shadow:still told you to not to follow me!!!!! chaos control! *teleports silver back home* silver:chaos control!! shadow  konw hot to use it too! shadow:oh yeah i forgot i taught you to >.<!


OOC:i hve uploaded the trailer of SATBK so i know who she is
jeexx:huh! *blast from behid*that cant be who i think she is................