the return of Scourge

Started by HereAndThere, May 02, 2009, 08:50:04 PM

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fatal:*goes to the house to talk with amy* hi amy

amy:hi fatal whats going on outside?

fatal:i went to jeexxs ear and banged him in the wall like i always do when i get dumbed and also i threw both ben and jeexx and jeexx on oblivion cuz he has forgot the part that he cant come near me


jeexx:*taking it easy until someone kicks him* OUUCCHHH

??:be ready for anything *attacks jeexx*

jeexx:*dodges and kicks* shut up!!

??:you dear to say that to your master *hits jeexx to a mountain and blasts him in super form* hmph you havent trained!

jeexx:come on big bro ya shouldnt get that harsh on me!!!

OOC:that guy is jeexxs bigger bro hes called "the dragon of fighting" but hes relly just flame and hes jeexxs master and big bro hes stronger than jeexx and ben combined relly he can even destroy mountains  :o


flame:none of your busniess *kicks jeexx and then thorws* still as sloppy as ever!

jeexx:aww man!! you had to come now bro havent ya heard of the antis?

flame: ya mean this guy *takes out flamx* he was a piece of a cake


flame:*activates the volcano* hmph another weakling *kicks black and then slams him to the ground punches and then takes a meteor outta the sky and slams it on black*that was too easy

jeexx:*looks hes eyes fully opened* that that was strong!

fatal:FLAME BIG BRO!!!!!!!! *hugs flame*

flame:whats up fatal?

fatal:jeexx "lost" me to a swamp and "didnt find me" and then i had to come out myself


flame:*blows ben up* dont use my element *thorws meteors on ben and black* like i said weaklings

jeexx:FLAME STOP IT!!!!

flame:why? they have created theyre own demise


flame:*yawns*im the fire of this world i was born in a hot crater of lava you cannot defeat me



flame:oh joy your still no match for me *kicks ben and then takes hes head and bangs it to the ground after that thorws ben in the air and kicks him down to the ground then kicks him in the balls and after that he uses meteor blast to kill ben*

jeexx:FLAME STOP IT *goes super and kicks flame*

flame:jeexx yyour too weak *kicks jeexx to the volcano*weaklings

fatal:FLAME STOP IT!!!

flame:SHUT UP FATAL!!!!


flame:SHUT UP *blasts with meteor burst* die now

jeexx:THIS ENDS NOW *goes legendary* sory bro *shoots a lazor at flame*

flame:WHAT THE......!!!!?


jeexx:ben stop annoying flame hes stronger than the leader of he super hedgehogs... MY FATHER!!!

flame:yeah i am the strongest hedgehog


flamne:you should *destroys jeexxs super form and goes to his real form* ready take on the METEORS FLAME!!!!!!!

jeexx:OH SIT


OOC:how about i dunno the name form XD

jeexx:stop it ben your no match for him hes stronger than treero!!!!!!!!!



jeexx:*kicks flame*


M.flame:DIE *shoots a meteor at ben*


flame:you think your strong eh? let me show you all the forms that hedgehogs have *goes super* this is the super form *goes super 2* this is the super hedgehog 2 *goes to super 3* this is the final super level the hirt *goes dark spine* this is the darkspine form *goes hyper* this is the 4 super level if i could say *goes giga* this is the giga level only used by us the super hedgehogs * goes mystic* this is the mystical form that can only be executed with a pure heart and a mystic emerald *goes legendary* this is the form that has got a long history behind it AND THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL KING LEVELS MORE POWEFUL LEVEL HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*spikes get more messed up* HAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! *muscles start to grow bigger* HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! *the color of the fur changes to a little green* HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! *thunder starts to blow* THIS IS WHAT I CALL THE ULTIMATE LEVEL HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *WOOOSSSHHHHH*
*with a mans voice* and this is the 5 level of super forms the strongest of them all sorry for that long waiting i havent gotten used to this form yet now lets starts then!!!!


jeexx:*getting rocks in the face* darn hs strong!

OOC:ben your being buu LOLZ (buus from DBZ goku and vegeta where doing rock paper scizors to see who fights buu and goku one so buu was sleeping cuz it was bored of waiting and also goku went to SSJ3 after noticing that XD)

flame:hmph come on *hits ben so hard he spits blood out and hits him to the earths core* noob
