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the return of Scourge

Started by HereAndThere, May 02, 2009, 08:50:04 PM

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jeexx:what NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts to flash*GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dark super jeexx:YOU ALL WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! sonic:OMG! shadow do you have the emeralds? shadow:no i only have this one silver:and i got ths one  ???:and i got this one!!! "who is this mysterious person youll soon find out"


jeexx:GRRRRRRRRRRRRR sonic:DAXTER?! dax:hi knux:DAX!!!!! *both have their master emeralds the other ones yellow and the other one green* kunx:so we meet again care for a rematch? dax:naaah you lost the last time jeexx:DEATH TO ALL WHO OPPOSE ME!!!


jeexx:YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!!! YOU KILLED LEAFY AND SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND SHES JUST MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dax:JEEXX!!!!!!!!! STOP IT NOW!!! haaaa *flash flash flash* hyper dax your going down ben help me a little would you *portal opens* gold:AAAARRGGH *falls in to the ground* twilight:LEVITATION!!!!!!


jeexx:GRRRRRRR *attacks ben* DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! dax:ben look out!!!!!!!! oblivion:hmph finally a reason to try to kill jeexx *goes to jeexx kicks in the nuts and attacks with oblivion control to slow jeexx down*


OOC: plz be more specific, wat hill did he blow, the hill where I and Sony were or other one? please tell me so I can RP acording to how it happened, and try to be more specific while rping, k ;)
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


jeexx:SHIT! dax:chaos fist! *jeexx flies to a wall* jeexx:thats it!!!!!!!! twilight:JEEXX!? IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!! oblivion:twilight! this is getting more confusing every second


Sony: *wakes up after all that beating somewhere in a pasture* ugh... where am I? What happened? *gets fast up* SILVA?! Are you OK?
Me: *kinda opens eyes* yes.. kinda... what happened? WHAT'S HAPPENING!? *points to the place u r battling*
Sony: Ow oh... gotta help them! *runs towards there*
Me: or not -_-
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


jeexx:huh?! twilight:anti cage *jeexxs got trapped* jeexx:F*UCK!!!!


Sony: *reaches there* what's happening here?!
Me: Wait for me! *flies after in the back* erm, what is going on?
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


sonic:*looks around*wheres ben guys?


Sony: am I really that invisible -_- ?
Me: *finaly reaches Sony and breaves fast* what's... going... on... here...?
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


xeexx and wonic:*appear behind the dark knight* DIE SUPER SONIC METEOR!!!!!!!!! *sonic using spin dash falls down from the sky 10 million times hitting the dark knigt*

Post Merge: May 11, 2009, 08:18:37 AM

OOC:hey ben what happened to ken? you havent been using him expect for the one time where he hitted anti sonic to the floor plus could you go to your chao rp i joined it with my number 1 chao from SADx  ;D hes a newborn now he reincarneited in the game the sae time i joined the rp  :P


both:wah............ *elsewhere*  jeexx:GUYS LET ME OUT IM GONNA KILL BEN KILL HIM KILL HIM!!!!!


jeexx:what the........... sonic:huh! twilight:DIE DARNESS BURST!!!!!!!! oblivion:*goes supa*


jeexx:WHA...... sonic:how in the world did you get there!? twilight:that guy he seems a little familiar silver:telekinesis *the cage is lifted up* haaaaaa *the cage is thorwn into the mountain* shadow:hmmmm *thinks* (was that chaos control or just a trick?) oblivion:*uses telepathcs* (shadow that wasnt neither one its a weird skill) sahdow:*still tihking* (WHAT OBLIVION!?)