the return of Scourge

Started by HereAndThere, May 02, 2009, 08:50:04 PM

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So I can join in on this one right ok well before I enter could you give me a very quick summary of where you guys left off?
Brawl code:4897-8216-5956
Jump Ultimate Stars:5199-3422-0617
Tatsunoko VS Capcom:0260-1745-5878


OOC:okay we left off from a war against the antis me and ben had a fight and then i ended up saving him but i got too much damage and i and ben had to reast then i saw a nightmare that shows what happens in the utlimate enemy (jeexx going super 2) and then ken got jeexx to the past after ben going with elder gan and black and then fatal (jeexxs sis) came in the pic upset and started to hit the one who is the whole reason (or thats what she thinks) thats the got dumped.. jeexx so then after that one flame came to the pic and then jeexx and ben fought him and then flame was found out to be flamx (flames anti) and then flame fought him and now were here

jeexx:ben i gave you the songs listen to them their good


jeexx:hi fire

flame:*kicking flamx* your not giving up are you


flame:thats what i tought


Quote from: jeexx on May 22, 2009, 06:28:20 PM
OOC:okay we left off from a war against the antis me and ben had a fight and then i ended up saving him but i got too much damage and i and ben had to reast then i saw a nightmare that shows what happens in the utlimate enemy (jeexx going super 2) and then ken got jeexx to the past after ben going with elder gan and black and then fatal (jeexxs sis) came in the pic upset and started to hit the one who is the whole reason (or thats what she thinks) thats the got dumped.. jeexx so then after that one flame came to the pic and then jeexx and ben fought him and then flame was found out to be flamx (flames anti) and then flame fought him and now were here

jeexx:ben i gave you the songs listen to them their good
ok got it
Name:cruz the hedgehog

Brawl code:4897-8216-5956
Jump Ultimate Stars:5199-3422-0617
Tatsunoko VS Capcom:0260-1745-5878


flame:*kicks flamx infront of cruz* oh sorry


Cruz:ouch its ok, hey am I seeing double or are there 2 of you?
Brawl code:4897-8216-5956
Jump Ultimate Stars:5199-3422-0617
Tatsunoko VS Capcom:0260-1745-5878


flame:nope *dodges flamx attacks* thats just my weak anti

jeexx:GET HIM BIG BRO!!!!!!!!


Cruz: cool,you guys need some help?
Brawl code:4897-8216-5956
Jump Ultimate Stars:5199-3422-0617
Tatsunoko VS Capcom:0260-1745-5878


flame:you can try *kicks flamx in the air* ha ha haaaa *punch kick punch slam to the ground*


Cruz: alright *jumps in air and charges special attack*
Brawl code:4897-8216-5956
Jump Ultimate Stars:5199-3422-0617
Tatsunoko VS Capcom:0260-1745-5878


flamx:heh fool!! *shoots a meteor*

flame:HAAA super meteor rain *meteors rain on flamx*


Cruz:My turn flash barrage!
Brawl code:4897-8216-5956
Jump Ultimate Stars:5199-3422-0617
Tatsunoko VS Capcom:0260-1745-5878



flame:hmm that was effective *shoots out a lazor at flamx* now your dead *slash trough with a lazor sword


Quote from: jeexx on May 22, 2009, 07:33:44 PM

flame:hmm that was effective *shoots out a lazor at flamx* now your dead *slash trough with a lazor sword
Cruz:Nice sword flam
Brawl code:4897-8216-5956
Jump Ultimate Stars:5199-3422-0617
Tatsunoko VS Capcom:0260-1745-5878



jeexx:cool huh wheres ben?