the ultimate enemy!!!! (season 2)

Started by HereAndThere, May 11, 2009, 12:41:48 AM

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jeexx:*voice only*here guys take the light emeralds *the light emeralds fall to skyles hands* now guys use them to defeat him!!!



OOC:the final energy that has been released of treero the dark side of oblivion oblivion -0 (hes the one who controlled jeexx rember)




*Destroys the energy like Shadic did in destroying nazo*


oblivion -0 *only energy*:NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

oblivion:what the *gets hes full energy* they destroyed him all right!


rails:*sniff* you said *sniff* that we would some day go to the ruins to look for signs of old life *sniff* YOU LIEEEDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OOC:jeexx said that to rails when they met the place where jeexx fell was that place


Skyle: The servers are the 7 chaos, Chaos is power enriched by the heart, the controller is the one who
          Unifies the Chaos, PLEASE MAKE JEEXX LIVE!!!


dax:its no use even my master emerald cant do it *sniff* but maybe all the emeralds can do it jeexx told me about the super emeralds one time after we met hmmm maybe the servers are the 7 light emeralds that have unlimited strenghet master emerald please help the emeralds GROW TO THEIR REAL FORM

master emerald/rikal:i will try......

dax:thanks rikal

rikal:now the emeralds have their real from *the emeralds start to grow bigger*

dax:skyle want me to help? *holding a yellow master emerald* this is my master emerald i guard it at the winged angel island


Skyle: no thanks, I think your the only person who can save jeexx.

Gladius:Hes right.

Skyle: I guess we would be heading back to the future now...


dax:rails do yu still have that ring jeexx gave you?

rails:of course i do he gave it to me when we met

dax:then could you give it to me?

rails:okay *gives the ring*

dax:the servers are the 7 light emeralds light is strength strength can only be nufilled by light and dark together only you can do it BRINGJEEXX BACK ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rikal:your wish is my comand you wish

OOC:the both emeralds have other beings inside like knuxs emerald has tikal and chaos and daxs one has oblivion (original) and rikal

jeexx:*coming out of the emeralds emitted light*

oblivion:whats this? hes coming back alive!

jeexx:*steps out of the light* yo skyle where do you think your going?


Skyle:Dah battle is ovah...


jeexx:yeah it is but you shouldnt leave already... i have a wired feeling that sonmething bad will happen soon...

oblivion:hes right i have the same feeling you should stay for a while more


Skyle: Here take this time communicator. You can talk with us in the future. We'll just check whats happening there.


jeexx:okay see ya later

oblivion:ill go look around the world see ya later *flash*

rails:*hugs jeexx*good that your back

dax:*crys*what where you thinking when you did that move *punches jeexx* it could have blow up this world


Skyle: Everythings clear

Gladius: Even though we helped you were still enemies, goodbye *Uses chaos control*


oblivion:nothing unusual here huh *whatchs down* whats that no no way this cant be metal sonic and jeexx

metal sonic:SHUT UP *takes oblivion hostage*