The Adventures of Speed the hedgehog and Tiger the Chao!

Started by Light the Hedgehog, May 12, 2009, 12:50:25 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

what do you think Speed and Tiger REALLY do when they go outside to "PLAY"? now to find out! i'll be Tiger and Speed. anyone who's got a FC and has expierience in RPing can join! as long as you don't screw things up. that means YOU ben the werhog!

Light the Hedgehog

OOC: by the way, there adventures might be similar to Phineas and Ferbs...but only similar!

Speed: so tiger, what do ya wanna do today?

Tiger: *shrugs*

Light the Hedgehog

Speed: *snaps fingers* TIGER, i know what we're doin' today!


Speed: EVEN BETTER! how about we build our own repli-mobians like my dad did! instead of based on megaman!

Megaman: *is flying acros the sky* WHEEEE!!! I CAN FLYYY!!!

Speed: we base them of of Bionicle!

Light the Hedgehog

Nick the Hedgehog

Nick:hey whats up? and why is white going retarted!?

Light the Hedgehog

Speed: we're building robots....based on Bionicles...all we need is the mask.....

Tiger: *puts the Kanohi Hau on the robotic Tahu*

Nick the Hedgehog

o...............k,uh.......yeah,so thats what your doing,well i got a Metroid prime 2 game,sorry but i olny haz one controller!  ;D


Light the Hedgehog

Tahu: *goes to normal size and becomes hedgehog-like* i?

Nick the Hedgehog


Nick the Hedgehog

Light the Hedgehog

Tahu: *looks down at Speed*....who are you?

Speed: I am your creator, Speed the hedgehog!


rails:umm guys have you relly thought about all? like if it goes berserk and trys to destroy the whole humanity
OOC:btw if this is like finias and ferb wheres that bully guy? im like baljud cuz hes a genius so is rails if no one is gonna be the bully then ill be it