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Tower of challanges!

Started by ChaosDazer, May 16, 2009, 06:46:40 AM

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This RP is unique because all players take turns on the same character. Also, you get to make the challenges for the player.

Just spontaneously think of a randomly arranged room with obstacles and let the next player think of a crazy (but legit given the circumstances) way of escaping the room. The first poster to think of a legit escape from the previous room thinks of another for the next player, etc. Here are the guidelines:

1. You may start off with a fixed inventory. You do not have to use all the items, but if you escape that room, all of your items are deleted, and replaced by the chosen inventory by the next poster (if one is given.)

2. You are not given super powers unless the room allows it. All powers will be deleted by the next room. If you are given teleportation powers, you can't warp out of the tower. In fact, you cannot use anything to escape the tower or die. If you are given transformation powers, you cannot become super powerful and solve the room in one wave of the hand.

3. You can not turn back once you enter a new room.

4. NO ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE PUZZLES. Let there be at least two ways of solving it. No more trying to kill this thing by making a horribly obscure way of solving it in your mind. Now, I like challenging rooms as much as the next person, but no Overkill.

ROOM #1 (Something simple and short to start, everyone should probably make something a tiny bit more elaborate)

In front of you is a pool. The door to the next room is in the bottom of the pool, but the water in it is acidic.

You have a can of coke, a rubber suite, and a rope.

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Quote from: chaos101 on May 16, 2009, 06:46:40 AM
This RP is unique because all players take turns on the same character. Also, you get to make the challenges for the player.

Just spontaneously think of a randomly arranged room with obstacles and let the next player think of a crazy (but legit given the circumstances) way of escaping the room. The first poster to think of a legit escape from the previous room thinks of another for the next player, etc. Here are the guidelines:

1. You may start off with a fixed inventory. You do not have to use all the items, but if you escape that room, all of your items are deleted, and replaced by the chosen inventory by the next poster (if one is given.)

2. You are not given super powers unless the room allows it. All powers will be deleted by the next room. If you are given teleportation powers, you can't warp out of the tower. In fact, you cannot use anything to escape the tower or die. If you are given transformation powers, you cannot become super powerful and solve the room in one wave of the hand.

3. You can not turn back once you enter a new room.

4. NO ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE PUZZLES. Let there be at least two ways of solving it. No more trying to kill this thing by making a horribly obscure way of solving it in your mind. Now, I like challenging rooms as much as the next person, but no Overkill.

ROOM #1 (Something simple and short to start, everyone should probably make something a tiny bit more elaborate)

In front of you is a pool. The door to the next room is in the bottom of the pool, but the water in it is acidic.

You have a can of coke, a rubber suite, and a rope.

Stretch the rubber suit and support it with the rope,making a bridge.
Once you make it across,drink the coke.
You are now in a room with a large chasm. At the bottom of the chasm is fire,and the walls are closing in on you.You have a baseball bat,a rope,And a slingshot with a pebble in it.Also,there is a hook on the ceiling in the middel of the chasm. GO GO GO


As the walls are closing in, you put a baseball bat between them to stop the momentarily. You throw the rope over the hook and wing across.

Now you are in a room with A LAZOR on top you. You see in writing the words SHOOP DA WOOP in bold highlighted. They are becoming Red, and when they become red the LAZOR will fire and kill you with it's fail. You have 10 seconds in a room one mile long.

You have a Jetpack, Rocket boots, and an large mirror.
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