Sonic Generation (Mah Kickass forum!)

Started by Skyle369, May 23, 2009, 04:09:55 PM

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0 Members and 3 Guests are viewing this topic.

Is the forum great?

Its awesome
12 (75%)
Needs more work
2 (12.5%)
NOthing special
0 (0%)
Need to change something
1 (6.3%)
it sucks.
1 (6.3%)

Total Members Voted: 13


witty sig caption


yayy now i can see that im a mod on your forum skyle. TY.

Eeeeeddddd d d dd


Huh? How come l can't moderate at all? The only forum we, MODs, could moderate is 'forum' section. Now where it shows 'you can post in topics or w/e, blah blah blah' it doesn't show that l can moderate in the forum.


Eeeeeddddd d d dd


Quote from: Free Style on May 24, 2009, 07:58:24 AM
Huh? How come l can't moderate at all? The only forum we, MODs, could moderate is 'forum' section. Now where it shows 'you can post in topics or w/e, blah blah blah' it doesn't show that l can moderate in the forum.

I figured it out!
Can you try editing messages now?


8D Joined earlier, then forgot to post.

The Meph's back in da hawz


Eeeeeddddd d d dd


Quote from: Skyle369 on May 24, 2009, 12:02:32 PM
I figured it out!
Can you try editing messages now?

Sweet, now we can moderate the forums! +1


Wow, I just opened the forum for 2 day then my forum got 550+ posts.  :o


Quote from: Skyle369 on May 24, 2009, 11:29:05 PM
Wow, I just opened the forum for 2 day then my forum got 550+ posts.  :o
hey no complaining  of me okay!!! no what no i didnt post em no wath are you looking of course i didnt im not that active ya know  ::)


Quote from: jeexx on May 25, 2009, 12:39:24 AM
hey no complaining  of me okay!!! no what no i didnt post em no wath are you looking of course i didnt im not that active ya know  ::)

LOLZ! its ok if you just keep on posting.


hes a spammah not it down.. just joking.

Eeeeeddddd d d dd



It says in the registration thing that:
"This forum uses cookies to store information on your computer."
What kind of information, exactly?
Sig attempt #7!

I am the Knight of Bright Blue Test Tube Sentient Beings! In your Face!
a-lad wuz here :P


I think it will be saved in the computer so when you go to the site the loading is fast.