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Mario Galaxy RP

Started by Light the Hedgehog, May 24, 2009, 11:03:38 AM

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Light the Hedgehog


ben: *is sleeping in frezzy peaks*

Light the Hedgehog

Light:....meh. here's mah chance to get back at him. *glues ben's head to a bomb set for 10 seconds*...*warps away*


*bomb explodes*


ben: *wakes up* wow a exploshen in the hrazen..........

Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: no, Light was planning to blow you up. and that bury you, than after years we would clone you. then kill all your clones. then never speak of you ever again.


ben: well my pokemon wold kill all of you if yah did that...........

Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: Rogue should've done the same thing when you tried to kill Light. -w-


ben: *is watching my futre on my ipod* wow im gonna have a gf in the futre............

Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: you having a girlfriend? *picutres that in head* NO WAY! BEN STINKS AT SMALL TALK! ->w<-


Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: well, it's true. i mean, seriously, what does that THING know it's an IPod.


ben: its the video from heven and time space oh and it looks like light isnt gonna be in the futre lol......

Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: ah, hello. he's right there.

Light: *is infront of ben, with a pissed-off face on*......seriousl, it's not like that thing knows everything.


ben: no you are gonna die of old age and im not cuz im younger..........


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> pikagir, or girchu? you decide, LOL WUT!            and DON"T SPAM!! >:(