the last battle (role-play)

Started by Ben The Werehog, June 11, 2009, 08:06:04 PM

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Ben The Werehog

put in your FCs and role-play! oh and this is ben's final battle when he was about 9 years old and people help him out...

name: ben the hedgehog
age: 9
power(s): speed, power, and thonk


OOC:i cant enter >.< ben and jeexx met when ben was 10 rember >.< oh well

Ben The Werehog

OOC: no we can chage that its just they forgot and then they meet when ben is 10.....


OOC:..............................meh i dunno  :P

Ben The Werehog



OOC:ya should role play with someone else

Ben The Werehog

OOC: fine i will make anther role-play topic.......


OOC:im just tired ok ya cant expect me to RP every sec

Ben The Werehog

OOC: well my tummy is rumbleing and dinner is not even done yet but im stell role-playing.....

HereAndThere comments cause i just cleaned my room (which i havent cleaned in some about 2 months or so) but meh

jeexx the hedgehog
skills:speed hes power shoe upgrade that he usually uses while fighting
bio:he hits hes head before the school year ends and doesnt rember anyone anymore so he leaves on a journey

Ben The Werehog

OOC: lets role-play!

ben: *is runing thro green hill zone*


some kid:*jumps infront ben* hey whats going on dork *kicks ben*

others:*laugh at ben*

jeexx:hey stop laughing!!! thats stupid and mean *helps ben up* you should think what your doing!!!

Ben The Werehog

ben: *a fireball appers in my hand and a sword in the other hand*


kid:look the freaks gonna do something!!!!

all the other kids expect jeexx:*laugh*

jeexx:grrrrrrr.....SHUD UP!!! *slams everybody to the ground with hes speed*

teacher:*takes jeexx* DETENTION FOR BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!!

Ben The Werehog

ben: gota run cya! *runs to ice cap zone*