Why Not, Everyone's Doing it... Sig Shop. 8D

Started by Dracoslythe, June 12, 2009, 04:53:08 PM

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Alrighty.  Just plain and simple here.  Just tell me what you want, and I'll get on it.  Only like three at a time, though, because I'm slower than others.  (If you posted on June 12, when I made the topic, it may be a while, because my computer overheated without me knowing it, and effed up the bottom of my screen, so I had to let it cool down)


*pokes sig*

That's all for now..

Dark Tails

Make me one :D

i dont care whats on it, something to do with tails o.o


Ehh, why not make me one. I want mine to be Jet Set Radio-related though (oh noes, not Sonic? *explodes*)

As long as these three people are in it, as well as my name, I'm fine.


Err...forget that last one.

Dark Tails

Quote from: Elija2 on June 12, 2009, 05:18:34 PM
Ehh, why not make me one. I want mine to be Jet Set Radio-related though (oh noes, not Sonic? *explodes*)

As long as these three people are in it, as well as my name, I'm fine.


Err...forget that last one.
If she doesnt, i will lol


lmao ok.  And heh.  Why explode to non-sonic?
I have PLENTY of non-Sonic related shit on my other computer.  *shot*

And sure, you two.  ^^
I'll get to work on them.  :3

Dark Tails

Can you add some metallica with tails

if you do, i will be like <3

Dice The Wolf

You said three? Okay, Can you do me one?
I'm kinda trying to say this without looking like I'm desperate...

Taking a leaf outta Elija2, It's gotta include
With Dice the Wolf near that,
and With TJay Dragg -Shiny Latios of da Cookie near that.

If it's too much, I don't mind waiting till your free.


Quote from: Dice The Wolf on June 12, 2009, 08:12:14 PM
You said three? Okay, Can you do me one?
I'm kinda trying to say this without looking like I'm desperate...
I know what you mean.  lol

What do you want on it?

Dice The Wolf


i have a request but ill wait till your finish with one.
My Paslos charactures are Arnold Awii Shadowtails Yoru Tatrick Awii Ronaldo Awii ,Vince,Noname Vampire,Nora,Patrick, and more. the bad guys are Zec Awii and Saki the animanmaniac

Im leaving, I m heading back at my house soo seeya