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Random Adventures

Started by Light the Hedgehog, July 02, 2009, 10:21:44 AM

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Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: well, last time i checked there's no one in mah family named Ben. and plus, my mom told me that your mom was jealous of my mom so she tried to get her way into mah family.


ben: *gets the family tree thing out that sonic's dad made*

Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: that was made  by Uncle Chuck...and he was FREAKING DRUNK WHEN HE MADE THAT!


ben: *shows sonic a pic of when me and sonic where little kids playing*

Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: that was a play date. only i could remember that because i'm smarter than you are.

me: whoa...i can see where this is going.


ben: sonic you arnt as fast as me tho.................

Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: i'm faster than the speed of sound, Lightning and light combined!


ben: *runs around the world in 1 sec*

Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: *runs around the world in a trillionth of a second* HA-HA!


ben: tho i love amy rose and you don sonic............

Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: that's the point! your more oppisite of me than scourge is.

Scourge: I HEARD THAT!


ben: *sleeps in a tree*

Light the Hedgehog


Mashia: *comes back* meh...

Tiger: what's with the "meh"s?


ben: *puts a pice of paper on sonic's back saying "kick me plz"*

Light the Hedgehog

me: *rips it off and puts it on eggman*